Page 164 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 164
Approach The part of the lane from the back of the ball return area to the foul line.
Arm Swing The arc of the bowling arm and hand from the first move toward the line until
the delivery of the ball over the line.
Ball Rack The rack used to store house balls or where the ball return rests balls before
a turn.
Ball Return Track between the lanes the ball rolls on when being returned to the rack.
Curve When the ball breaks from right to left.
Double Two strikes in a row.
Follow Through It’s the motion after release.
Foul Touching or going beyond the foul line.
Foul Line The line which determines the beginning of the lane.
Gutter Drop offs about 10 inches wide to the right and the left of the lane to guide the
ball to the pit.
Gutter Ball A ball which goes into the gutter.
Handicap Pins awarded to weak players or teams in an attempt to even out the game.
Head Pin It’s the front pin of a rack.
Line The path a bowling ball takes.
Open Bowling Nonleague plays for fun or practice opposite league nights.
Rack Set of 10 pins at the end of the lane shaped like a triangle.
Release The hand motion as ball is rolled onto a lane.
Return The track which balls roll from pit to the rack.
Spare All pins knocked down with two balls.
Split A spare leave in which the headpin is down.
Strike All 10 pins go down on one roll.
Special Olympics Arizona (SOAZ) 6 06.01.2011
Permission from PUSD #11