Page 206 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 206


                         On average, each Unified Cheer team participates in 6 events per semester
                         Events include cheering at Unified Flag Football and Basketball games, Varsity
               Football games (usually during 1 st and 3rd quarter), Varsity Basketball games (usually during 1st and 3rd quarter) and assemblies  RECOMMEN
                         On average, each Unified Cheer team practices once a week for one hour starting in September and ending in January
                         Practices also depend on the events each Cheer team has coming up
                         Practices can be held after school from 2:30-3:30 pm (or during school if that is an option)UNIFIED CHEER TEAM INFORMATION :
                         Flyers can be created to hand out around school with general information about Unified Cheer
                         Advertise on the morning announcements
                         Hold a parent/student informational meeting to distribute general information and requirements
                         It is NOT a requirement for Partners to already be on the Cheer team to join the Unified Cheer team.
                         Exiting Cheer Team members can join the Unified Cheer team as Partners
                         Signing up for the Unified Cheer team comes on a first come, first serve basis.
                         It is expected for each Unified Cheer team to have 8-12 members (Athletes and Partners combined)ATHLETE/PARTNER CLEARANCE TO PARTICIPATE
                         Must complete school athletic packet, including physical and transportation release form
                         Must complete concussion course through Barrow’s Neurological Institute that WOULD NOT require a test at the end of the course
                         We encourage the partner and athlete to view this course togetherUNIFORM OPTIONS
                         Allow Unified Athletes to wear school uniforms or they can purchase separate uniforms through an AIA Unified Sports credit
                         If your school chooses to wear the school Cheer uniform, the credit is still available through Buddy’s All Stars (Contact Ron Shepro at 480-921-0850, ext. 1)
                         The credit can be used for t-shirts, equipment, etc. that Buddy’s provides
                         Please note, the deadline to spend the credit is February 28, 2014
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