Page 206 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 206
On average, each Unified Cheer team participates in 6 events per semester
Events include cheering at Unified Flag Football and Basketball games, Varsity
Football games (usually during 1 st and 3rd quarter), Varsity Basketball games (usually during 1st and 3rd quarter) and assemblies RECOMMEN
On average, each Unified Cheer team practices once a week for one hour starting in September and ending in January
Practices also depend on the events each Cheer team has coming up
Practices can be held after school from 2:30-3:30 pm (or during school if that is an option)UNIFIED CHEER TEAM INFORMATION :
Flyers can be created to hand out around school with general information about Unified Cheer
Advertise on the morning announcements
Hold a parent/student informational meeting to distribute general information and requirements
It is NOT a requirement for Partners to already be on the Cheer team to join the Unified Cheer team.
Exiting Cheer Team members can join the Unified Cheer team as Partners
Signing up for the Unified Cheer team comes on a first come, first serve basis.
It is expected for each Unified Cheer team to have 8-12 members (Athletes and Partners combined)ATHLETE/PARTNER CLEARANCE TO PARTICIPATE
Must complete school athletic packet, including physical and transportation release form
Must complete concussion course through Barrow’s Neurological Institute that WOULD NOT require a test at the end of the course
We encourage the partner and athlete to view this course togetherUNIFORM OPTIONS
Allow Unified Athletes to wear school uniforms or they can purchase separate uniforms through an AIA Unified Sports credit
If your school chooses to wear the school Cheer uniform, the credit is still available through Buddy’s All Stars (Contact Ron Shepro at 480-921-0850, ext. 1)
The credit can be used for t-shirts, equipment, etc. that Buddy’s provides
Please note, the deadline to spend the credit is February 28, 2014