Page 25 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 25

Unified Sports®

                                            Honors Requirement #2

                Journal Demonstrat         Developing 1            Proficient 2           Exemplary 3

                Quality writing        -Organization of       -Ideas are somewhat -Organized, neat,
                                       neatness needs         organized and neat      well-thought ideas
                                       attention              -Notes/explanations  -Detailed descriptive,
                                       -Notes/explanations  are incomplete            complete notes/
                                       are incomplete                                 explanations
                Understanding of       -Some steps            -Most steps             -All steps identified
               the steps and skills    identified correctly   identified correctly    correctly
               of each sport           -Explanations are      -Most explanations      -Accurate
                                       not accurate/clear     are accurate            explanations
                Use of diagrams        -Inaccurate            -Accurate but not       -Accurate and
               and illustrations to    -Not neat              complete                complete
               communicate ideas                              -Neat                   -Neat
                Understanding of       -Explanations          -Mostly accurate        -Accurate
               information             inaccurate or          explanations            explanations
                                       missing info           -Questions apply        -Able to generate
                                       -Questions not         but do not show         unique questions
                                       relevant or showing  much creativity           that relate
                                       much thought
                Extended thinking      -Few examples of       -Has some creative  -has many
                                       creative, individual   examples of             examples of
                                       thinking               individual work and  individual and
                                       -Did not meet all      ideas                   creative ways of
                                       minimum                -Did the minimum        thinking )i.e. unique
                                       requirements of the  requirements for          questions,
                                       lesson                 each lesson             illustrations,
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