Page 20 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 20

Student’s Name:  ____________________          Date:  _______________
               Course Name:  ______________________          Period:  _____________

                                             Athletes Assessment – Rubric
               DIRECTIONS:  This form is designed to help you evaluate student work in expressing
               their feelings on a daily level to their partners.  Then the partners can record this in their
               daily journal.

               1=Weak                           2=Average                         3=Strong

                      1.  Treated everyone with respect.

               1     2     3

                      1.  Athlete improved in skill areas.

               1     2     3

                      1.  Athlete participated in activities.

               1     2     3

                      1.  Athletes communicated at their skill level to partners.
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