Page 16 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
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Unified Sports® Physical Education Curriculum Assessment
A Unified Sports® Physical Education class at the High Schools. Students with an Indiv
idualized Education Plan (IEP, athletes) and students without (partners) will be
attending this class for their Physical Education credit.
The units will be based on both the Unified Sports® rules and regulations and the Peoria
Unified School Physical Education curriculum. The length and time spent on specific
skills will be 4 weeks.
100 Point Assessment per student:
1. 75 % - Teamwork/Participation and Effort
2. 25 %
III. Daily journal entry for the Partners
IV. Daily feedback from the Athlete to the Partner
Skills Performance:
I. Skill Areas per sport.
II. Special Olympics Arizona (SOAZ) Unified Sports® Skills Assessment Form is
to be used for Athletes and Partners when assessing.
III. SOAZ Skills Assessment should be administrated the first and the last day of
the unit to compare improvement in each skill area.
Partners Daily Journal Assessment:
I. Partners will record in a daily journal and it will be collected on Fridays by
Physical Education Teacher. Most journals are one page and recorded in a binder, no
loose paper.
II. Partners may be assigned topics if teacher wants them to read an article or
watch something on a video/T.V. and report on it.