Page 302 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 302

Floor Ball Individual Assessment Form continued

              D. Game Awareness  Choose one number (1 through 8) which is most representative of the athlete's skill level)
            Sometimes confused on their position; need prompting on where to line up (2)

            Limited understanding of the game and can make some offensive or defensive decisions when
            coach/partner prompted (4)

            Good understanding of the game, and is able to participate in all offensive plays. If a defensive player,
            they will aggressively defend their goal. (6)

            Advanced understanding of the game and mastery of floor ball fundamentals. (8)


            E. Shooting              Choose one number (1 through 8) which is most representative of the athlete's skill level)

            Periodically makes an attempt to shoot but usually is in the crease (2)

            Can shoot goals at various angles in front of goal but only when stationary (4)

            While moving, can receive a pass and shoot a goal (6)

            Can fake a shot in one direction and twist around to shoot in another direction (8)


            F. Rebounding            Choose one number (1 through 8) which is most representative of the athlete's skill level)

            Does not understand defensive position or principles, seldom attempts to stick check an opponent with ball(2)

            Understands defensive position, can stick check opponent with ball goes after loose ball within 3 to 4 steps (4)

            Can block a moving ball with either their foot or stick, aggressively goes after loose

            ball can clear the ball to a teammate (6)

            Has exceptional ability, can block airborne ball with stick, hand, or body, wins stick check
            battle for ball most of the time (8)


                                                                               TOTAL SCORE:

            Divide TOTAL SCORE by 6 to determine OVERALL RATING

            Round off to the nearest tenth.  EXAMPLE: 4.97 = 5.0 or 3.53 = 3.5)

                                                                         OVERALL  RATING:

            Proceed to the appropriate Floor Ball Team Assessment Form:

            Traditional teams use the Floor Ball Team Assessment Form.

            Unified teams with athletes and partners ranked 3 and above, use the Floor Ball Team Assessment Form.

            Unified teams with athletes ranked 2.9 and below, use the Unified Floor Ball Training Team Assessment Form.

            Unified teams with players ranked more than 3 Skill Levels from each other, use the Unified Floor Ball Training
            Team Assessment Form.

                                Please review the Unified Sports  Team Formation Guidelines
                                  before beginning practice or registering for any competition.

                          DO NOT include Individual Assessment Forms with competition registration.
                        Send only Team Assessment Forms with Area or State competition registration.

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