Page 353 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 353

              Only bats marked by the manufacturer as “Official Softball” may be used.
              A first baseman’s trapping-type mitt may be worn by first basemen and catchers only.
              The catcher must wear a facemask, catchers helmet, chin strap, shin guards,
                and chest protective
              All batters and base runners must wear a batter’s helmet with chin strap.
              A 30.5-centimeter (12-inch) red-stitch restricted softball must be used.
              Matching Team Uniforms (athletes wear even numbers, partners wear odd numbers).


        Ball              A pitch that crosses home plate outside of the strike zone.

        Base on Balls  Four pitches are judged by the plate umpire to be balls.
                          The batter is awarded first base.

        Batter            An offensive player who enters the batter’s box with the intention of aiding his team
                          to score runs.  When batting he is either declared out or becomes a batter/runner.

        Batter’s Box      Area to which the batter is restricted to stand when batting.

        Batting Order  Official listing of offensive players in the order the team must come to bat.

        Bunt              A batted ball not swung at, but met with the bat and tapped slowly in the infield.

        Catch             Legally caught ball.

        Catcher           The player behind home plate who catches the pitches.

        Catcher’s Box  Area where the catcher must remain until the pitched ball is batted.

        Center Fielder  The player responsible for the area of the outfield directly out from 2  base.

        Dead Ball         Umpire has ruled ball dead and play is finished.

        Defensive         The team in the field.

        Double Play       When two offensive players are legally put out as a result of continuous action.

        Dugout            An area in dead ball territory designated for players, coaches, bat boys or girls,
                          and official representatives of the team only.

        Fair Ball         A ball which settles or is touched on or over fair territory.

        Special Olympics Arizona (SOAZ)                                   4                              06.01.2011
        Permission from PUSD #11
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