Page 354 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 354
Fair Part of the playing field within the first and third base lines from home base
Territory to the bottom of the playing field fence and perpendicularly upwards.
Fly Ball A ball batted into the air.
Foul Ball Ball which settles on or over foul territory.
Foul Any part of the playing field which is not included in fair territory.
Foul Tip A batted ball hit in foul territory.
Helmet Is a hard plastic hat worn by the catcher and batter.
Home Team Team on whose grounds the game is played on.
Infield It is the portion of the field in fair territory.
Inning Each team has the opportunity to bat until three outs are registered against that team.
(6 total outs per inning)
Left Fielder They are the player responsible for the area of the outfield on the 3 base side
of the field.
Line Drive A ball in flight is batted sharply and directly into the playing field.
Line Up Batting order of players who are currently playing offensive and defensive positions.
Offensive The team at bat.
On-Deck Offensive player whose name follows the name of the batter in the batting order.
On-Deck Designated area where the on-deck batter may warm-up.
Out When a fly ball is caught, when the runner is touched with the ball before reaching
base or if the ball reaches the base before the runner.
Outfield The portion of the field which is outside the diamond formed by the baselines.
Pitch Act performed by the pitcher in delivering the ball to the batter.
Pitcher Player responsible for throwing the ball across home plate for the batters to hit.
Play Ball Term used by the plate umpire to indicate the play shall begin.
Special Olympics Arizona (SOAZ) 5 06.01.2011
Permission from PUSD #11