Page 403 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 403
To indicate an INFIELD FLY, the umpire shall call "INFIELD FLY, IF FAIR, THE BATTER IS OUT."
The umpire shall extend one arm above the head.
To indicate NOT TO PITCH, the umpire should raise one hand, with the palm facing the
pitcher. "NO PITCH" shall be declared, if the pitcher pitches while the umpire has his hand in
said position.
8. Suspension of Play
An umpire may suspend play when, in his judgment, conditions justify such action.
Play shall be suspended whenever the plate umpire leaves his position to brush the plate, or
to perform other duties not directly connected with the calling of plays.
The umpire shall suspend play whenever a batter, or pitcher, steps out of position for a
legitimate reason.
An umpire shall not call "TIME", after pitcher has started the windup.
An umpire shall not call "TIME", while any play is in progress.
In case of injury, except in the umpires' judgment with a serious injury (which may put the
player in danger), "TIME" shall not be called until all plays in progress have been completed,
or runners have been held at their base.
Effect – Sec. 13.8.6: In the case of injury, when time is called, the ball is dead and runner(s) may be
awarded a base or bases that they would have made, in the umpire’s judgment, had the injury not
Umpires shall not suspend play at the request of players, coaches or managers, until all action
in progress by either team has been completed.
When, in the opinion of an umpire, all immediate play is apparently completed, "TIME" should
be called.
Violations and Penalties
Players, coaches, or managers shall not make disparaging, or insulting, remarks to, or about,
opposing players, officials, or spectators, or commit other acts that could be considered
unsportsmanlike conduct.
The penalty for violations by a player is either prompt REMOVAL, or EJECTION, of the
offender from the game.
The penalty for violations by a manager, coach or other team official shall be
For a first offense, the offender may be warned.
For a second offense, or if a first offense is considered serious enough by the
umpire, the offender is EJECTED.
Note: In the event the Head Coach is ejected from a game, he shall submit to the umpire the
name of the person who is to assume the Head Coach duties for the remainder of the game
A player REMOVED from the game may sit on the bench but shall not participate further in
the game except as a coach.
An adult athlete, manager, coach, or other team official EJECTED from the game, shall go
directly to the dressing room for the remainder of the game, or leave the grounds. NOTE: An
athlete or minor partner may remain in the dugout if there is no team representative or
delegate to escort them away from the grounds. If they remain in the dugout and participate
in any way, the result is the forfeiture of the game.
Failure of a person so REMOVED, or EJECTED, to leave the game immediately, will warrant a
forfeiture of the game.
48 VERSION: June 2018
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