Page 405 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 405
Unified: Athletes (designated by an “A”) and Unified partners (designated by a “P”)
must alternate on the line-up card/roster.
A team shall consist of players in the following positions:
Ten players: pitcher (F1), catcher (F2), first baseman (F3), second baseman (F4),
third baseman (F5), shortstop (F6), left fielder (F7), left center fielder (F8), right
fielder (F9) and right center fielder (F10).
With Extra Player (EP). Eleven players: same as slow pitch plus an EP who bats in
the line-up.
Unified: Ten players – (five athletes and five partners) with the following
positioning requirements: two athletes and two partners in both the infield and the
outfield, and one athlete and one partner as pitcher or catcher.
Unified with Extra Players (EP). Twelve players – six athletes and six partners: same
as Unified plus two EP’s who bat in the line-up.
Note: Players of the team in the field may be stationed anywhere on fair territory, except the catcher,
who must be in the catcher's box, and the pitcher, who must be in a legal pitching position at the start
of each pitch.
Shorthanded Rule
To start a game:
A game may begin or finish with one less than required to start with an
automatic out taken in the sport of the shorthanded player.
The vacant position must be listed last in the batting order.
An out will be recorded when the vacant position in the batting order is
scheduled to bat.
(Unified) If a team plays shorthanded with either three in the infield or outfield, at least two of
the three must be athletes and at least one of the three must be a partner
To continue a game once started with a full team listed on the line-up card:
If a team begins play with the required number of players as listed, that team
may continue a game with one less player than is currently in the line-up
whenever a player leaves the game for any reason other than ejection. Under
no circumstances shall a team be permitted to bat less than nine.
If playing shorthanded, and a substitute arrives, the substitute must be
inserted immediately into the vacant spot. If the substitute refuses to enter for
any reason, that player becomes ineligible for the remainder of the game.
If another player arrives, of the correct designation (athlete/partner), that
player must be inserted into the line-up in the vacant spot by alternating
If the player leaving the game is a runner or batter, the runner or batter shall
be declared out.
When the player who has left the game is scheduled to bat, an out shall be
declared for each turn at bat. An inning or the game can end with an automatic
The player who has left the game cannot return to the line-up.
The batting order must still alternate and the defensive positioning remains as
required. Rule 4, Section 1C, Rule 7, Section 2D
50 VERSION: June 2018
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