Page 409 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 409
After the Illegal Player has completed a turn at bat, and after the
next legal or illegal pitch, or after the defense has left the field, the
Illegal Player is “Declared Ineligible.” If still on base, a legal
substitute will take that base. Any advance of runners as a result of
the Illegal Player becoming a batter-runner is legal.
If the player is in the game illegally as a runner, and it is brought to
the attention of the umpire before the next legal or illegal pitch
has been thrown or a play made, this is a correctable situation.
If the player is in the game illegally as a runner, and is discovered
after a legal or illegal pitch has been thrown, or a play made, the
player is “Declared Ineligible” and replaced on the base. Any
advance of the runner(s) is legal.
DEFENSE: If the Illegal Player/Unreported Substitute is discovered by the offense:
After the Illegal Player makes a play and before the next legal or
illegal pitch, before the defense has left the field, and before the
umpires have left the game, the Illegal Player Is ”Declared Ineligible
and the offensive team has the option of: Taking the result of the play, or Having the last batter return and assume the ball and
strike count the batter had, prior to the discovery of the
Illegal Player. Each runner would return to the base
occupied prior to the play.
After a legal or illegal pitch to the next batter, the Illegal Player is
“Declared Ineligible”, and all play stands.
Note: The provisions
Note 1: Should an Ineligible Player return to the game; it is declared a forfeit in favor of the
team not at fault.
Note 2: After an upheld appeal for an unreported substitute or an illegal re-entry, the
original starting player or his substitute is considered to have left the game.
Disqualified or Ejected Participant
A disqualified player is prohibited from playing but can remain in the team area or serve
as a coach.
Effect: If found playing, the game is forfeited.
An ejected adult Unified partner must leave the grounds and have no contact with the
umpires or participants in the game.
Effect: The Game is forfeited
Any arguing on the judgment of balls and strikes or judgement calls for plays in the field will
constitute a team warning.
Effect: Any repeat offense shall result in the ejection of that team member
If a player is disqualified a team can play shorthanded, however if a player is ejected and the
team does not have enough players, play cannot continue.
Effect: The game is forfeited.
Disputed Calls
54 VERSION: June 2018
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