Page 413 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 413


                         SPORT RULES

                            All essential facts involved in the matter protested.
                     Result of Protest
                     The decision made on a protested game must result in one of the following

                            The protest is found invalid and the game score stands as played.
                            When a protest is allowed for misinterpretation of a playing rule, the game is replayed from
                            the point at which the incorrect decision was made, with the decision corrected.
                            When a protest for ineligibility of a team roster member is allowed, the game shall be
                            forfeited by the offending team.

            17.  DIVISIONING
                     Teams will be divisioned according to:
                            Scores compiled from each athlete’s score on the four Softball Skills Assessment Tests (SATs)
                            of Base Running, Throwing, Fielding and Batting. These tests are for player/team assessment
                            only and are not competition events for medals and ribbons. (Information regarding these
                            Softball Skill Assessment Tests follow in Section C).
                            A classification/preliminary pool play round of games
                     Coaches shall submit a Softball Skills Assessment Test Score for each player on their rosters prior to
                     the competition.
                     The “team score” shall be determined by adding the top 12 players’ scores and then dividing that
                     total by 12.
                     Teams are initially grouped in preliminary divisions according to their SAT team score and input from
                     coaches. A classification/preliminary pool play round of games shall then be conducted as a means of
                     finalizing the divisioning process.
                     In the classification/preliminary pool play round, teams will play one or more games.  The length or
                     amount of time for each game shall be no less than 60 minutes and no longer than 75 minutes, based
                     upon the overall event schedule capacity. Each team shall be required to play all eligible and able-
                     bodied players whose scores were used to determine the “team score.” Both teams shall be required
                     to play each player at least one half-inning in the field and provide each player at least one at-bat.
                     Teams shall play to the best of their ability levels during all games, including games in the
                     classification/preliminary round.  Should teams not follow this protocol, teams shall be warned they
                     may be in violation of the Maximum Effort policy.  If teams continue to circumvent the Maximum
                     Effort policy, penalties may be levied upon the head coach, any assistant coach and/or players.
                     Procedures for enforcing Maximum Effort and any corresponding penalties should be determined
                     and communicated to teams prior to the beginning of the competition
            18.  Awards
                     See Sport Rules Article 1
                     The shortening of a competition due to inclement weather or other unforeseen conditions may
                     require the Games Management Team or Competition Committee to modify the awarding of medals,
                     ribbons, and trophies at their discretion.
                     Within pool play and/or medal round competition, the following criteria should be used in the
                     following order to determine final placement of teams for awards:
                            Head-to-Head record
                            Runs against vs. tied teams only
                            Runs against vs. pool/division

                58                                                                               VERSION: June 2018
                                                                                          © Special Olympics, Inc.,  2018
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