Page 412 - Revised Unified Sports Curriculum electronic version Rev. 8.1_2
P. 412
Note: Protests for the above are to be submitted to the appropriate authority (not the
umpires) and may be made at any time, subject to the provisions of Rule 11 Section 5.
d. Should a policy of meaningful inclusion be enforced, whereby every eligible and able-
bodied athlete and/or Unified partner participate in each game, a coach can file a protest if
the opposing team did not follow the policy. Exception: if the coach notified the opposing
team, umpire and scorekeeper prior to or during the game that the athlete or Unified partner
would not participate. Protest (i.e. due to medical reasons) would follow procedures in
accordance with Article I, with penalties and consequences to be determined by the Sports
Rules Committee, Games Rules Committee or Games Management Team
Protests Involving Judgment and Interpretation of Rule
Protests may involve both a matter of judgment and the interpretations of a rule.
An example of a situation of this type follows:
With one out and the runners on second and third bases, the batter flied out. The
runner on third tagged up after the catch, the player on second did not. The runner
on third crossed the plate before the ball was played at second base for the third
out. The umpire did not allow the run to score. The questions as to whether the
runners left their bases before the catch and whether the play at second was made
before the player on third crossed the plate are solely matters of judgment and are
not grounds for protest. The failure of the umpire to allow the run to score was a
misinterpretation of a playing rule and was a proper subject for protest.
Notification of Intent to Lodge Protest
The notification of intent to protest must be made immediately before the next pitch. (EXCEPTION):
Player ineligibility.
The manager, or acting manager, of the protesting team shall immediately notify the plate
umpire that the game is being continued under protest. The plate umpire shall, in turn, notify
the opposing manager and official scorekeeper.
All interested parties shall take notice of the conditions surrounding the making of the
decision that will aid in the correct determination of the issue.
Note: On appeal plays, the appeal must be made before the next pitch, legal or illegal or before the
defensive team has left the field. For the purpose of this rule, the defensive team has "left the field"
when the pitcher and all players have left fair territory, on the way to the bench or dugout area.
Time to Lodge an Official Protest
The official written protest must be filed within a reasonable time.
In the absence of a league or tournament rule fixing the time limit for filing a protest, a
protest should be considered if filed within a reasonable time, depending upon the nature of
the case and the difficulty for obtaining the information on which to base the protest.
Within 30 minutes after the umpires have left the playing field is generally considered a
reasonable time.
Information Required for Written Protest
The formal written protest should contain the following information.
The date, time and place of the game.
The names of the umpires and scorers.
The rule and section of the Official Rules, or local rules, under which the protest is made.
The decision and conditions surrounding the making of the decision.
57 VERSION: June 2018
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