Page 7 - PPAP submission requirements (PPAP check sheet)
P. 7

Parts Marking    Recyclate         (Indust./Consumer)    Application [ID]    Not Applicable    No

               4/28/20 12:12:43 PM                                             Classif.    GADSL,

            2 / 2                                                                          SVHC       5.1.b

                                                                     924001296 / 1  924001296     Portion  (from - to)   [%]

                                                                                              99.5  0.5
            Page:  Date:                                                        Portion      [%]  295  295

                              MDS Report Substances of assemblies and materials Materials which are subject to legal prohibitions must not be included! Dangerous substances formed or released during use must also be declared Please note: GADSL list for substances that require declaration  Report No.:  IMDS ID / Version:  Node ID:     Weight  Quantity     [g]             This is an uncontrolled copy of a document created by IMDS. End of the report.

                                                                               IMDS ID / Version  924001296 / 1  557330067 / 1

            924001296 / 1  Chuayta, Tanongsak               2. Characterization of the Component  49404-A0010  TRAY, TOOL KIT    Part/Item No.    Item- /Mat.-No.    Material-No.    CAS No.    49404-A0010       9010-79-1   1-Propene, polymer with ethene    system

            IMDS ID / Version:  User:                             Part/Item No.:  Description:       Description Tree Level    Article Name    Name    Substance name    TRAY, TOOL KIT  1    EPP  2  3    Misc., not to declare  3  EntServ Deutschland GmbH
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12