Page 80 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 80


                                                                                                                                                                                                             Ch 06
                Design Rationale

                Cognitive Biases

                Anchoring Effect                                                       Scarcity Effect                                                        Isolation Effect

                Anchoring effect is considered where the initial info on               This is used in booking options where limited                          This is used to highlight the active journey items in

                app is designed to be the most important and                           number of tickets left at a certain price are                          all the tabs so that the active item is is distinct
                urgently required during the travel. This is done so that              highlighted and hence, have a higher value for                         and remembered by the user.
                the user focuses on it and remembers it, for example                   the user.
                booking detaills on top of homepage.

                Fluency Heuristic                                                      Distinction Bias                                                       Default Bias

                The  suggestions  each  user  receive  from  the  preset               This is considered in the section where cheaper ticket                 The FAQs pop ups have default answers to a lot of

                lists are simple and easy to navigate - ensures it is                  options are presented side by side which allows user                   questions  which  make  is  easy for users  to  onboard
                easy and fluent for new users to get accustomed to.                    to view multiple options side by side.                                 themselves with them.


                Logomark / Icon                                                        Logotype / Font                                                         Colours

                The logo is a minimal category logo which uses two a                   The primary font used is Sharp Grotesk which gives                      The colours were derived after creating a moodboard

                shapes inverted and put together - which also forms                    the brand a modern and clean look which is                              and extracting colour palettes that referenced the sky,
                an icon similar to an infinity icon. The logo gives a                  necessary for the fast-paced air travel journey.                        sun and growth. From user feedback the colour theme
                modern and clean look which is ideal for the air travel                                                                                        was finalised. The mix of warm and cool tones
                industry.                                                              The secondary font is Lexend Peta for the tagline and                   between shades of yellow, blue and green complete
                                                                                       Poppins for the body texts. These are common and                        the overall  look and  provides readable  constrasting

                The logo can be used in combination of different                       globally used fonts which would ensure familiarity                      options. A set of neutral colours was kept part of the
                colours from the branding and is also scaleable. It can                and promote readability of content.                                     branding to ensure balance and cohesiveness.
                also be used as background elements and patterns

                throughout the branding materials

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