Page 81 - Process Book Abdul Raffai Waqar
P. 81
Ch 06
Design Rationale
Mobile Application: Principles of Interaction Design
Visual Consistency External Consistency User Efficiency
Learnability for users is ensured as the app follows a It is maintained by having a familiar search bar, Preset lists and onboarding is kept so that user is
consistent pattern in terms of colours, fonts, design login, onboarding process, gird/list views, profile able to navigate quicker and efficiently. Support
elements and tabs. icons, light/dark mode etc. texts and popups are used to assist user.
Functional Consistency Fitt’s Law Readability
It is maintained as different sections function the The buttons and icons are clear and big enough to be Fonts is big enough and used in proper
same way and have similar options to activate an able to click, and placed with enough space that they constrasting colours to ensure high readability.
item or to create new items. do not interfere with each other. White space and cards are used to group similar
information together.
Internal Consistency Learnability
The application has a consistent colour flow and Onboarding screens in the start assist the user to
features such as toggle for activating an item, toggle know about how to use the app. There are different
tabs on top and create item button is at bottom with feedbacks on clickable objects.
yellow text. All information FAQS popups and buttons Affordances are taken into account by keeping
are in blue colour. Extra information in cards or navigation simple and clear with active and inactive
bookings is in yellow. buttons distinct.
Gestalts Principles
Figure-Ground Organisation Law of Similarity Uniform Connectedness Law of pragnanz
The background and foreground is kept Similar objects are grouped together Similar fonts, colours and There is symmetry in design as
distinct so that proper constrast is such as different luggage groups or functionality keeps the overall first and last icons of navigation
ensured and information is clearly document sets. Similar items are look uniform and easy to get used bar open up to section cards
understood throughout the app. grouped in categories in to do lists. to the layout. while second and fourth icons
open to tab views.
Research & Design Project | Final Artefact