Page 15 - Overcoming Challenges
P. 15

I tackle life's challenges with zeal

                             I realize that life is an up and down proposition. Like the ceaseless undulations of an ocean

                             wave, I bob up and down. I know that as long as I face life's challenges head-on, I put myself

                             in a position to grow stronger with every experience.

                             Life is a great teacher, and I am a dedicated student. I gain knowledge from all of the

                             experiences that life has to offer. I apply that knowledge and wisdom to all of life's


                             I know that I can complete my work effortlessly and on time.

                                                                                        And so
                             When there is something I want to accomplish, I focus on the positive consequences of

                             getting it done. I take action consciously. Instead of getting me down, work excites me. It is

                             only through work that I can achieve my goals.

                             I take time out of my day to get in touch with my emotions. My emotions drive my behavior.

                             I pluck negative emotions from my psyche, just as a gardener pulls weeds. I let go of the

                             emotions that slow my progress. I set my sites on ever-greater levels of success.

                             Today, I choose to blast through my to-do list. I focus on how completing my work propels

                             me forward. I allow myself to relax and enjoy the feeling of pride that I get from work well


                                                                                        She did

                                                                                        it too!
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