Page 23 - Overcoming Challenges
P. 23

I remain patient when faced with opposition

                             When I believe in something, I stand behind it unconditionally. I avoid allowing negative

                             feedback to alter my beliefs.

                             When I am asked to present a new idea at the office, I work diligently at developing it. I

                             present it as my job depends on it. I am prepared to hear the criticisms of my peers because

                             I know they are providing constructive feedback.

                             If questions or doubts are directed at me, I remain calm. I address any concerns to develop

                             my idea further. I avoid allowing anyone to frustrate me or shatter my confidence. I

                             acknowledge that opposition can be helpful to my cause.
                                                                                        And so

                             When I am denied an opportunity, I attempt to find out why. It is outside my nature to

                             accept opposition without an explanation. I try to gain a better understanding without
                                                                                        She did
                             getting angry.

                             I know negative responses are counterproductive.

                             I realize some of my coworkers may have negative intentions. I maintain my integrity while

                             dealing with them. That is the best way to counteract their pessimism.

                             Today, I commit to working on my self-confidence. I know my capabilities and use that

                             knowledge to boost my confidence. I stand up to opposition without losing my cool.

                                                                                        it too!
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