Page 129 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 129
Alfred Rosenberg
said: "Our example makes the overthrow of the throne inevitable
and the French Revolution will throw the sceptres ofthe kings before
the feet of the people. But we should not remain on the defensive; if
we do not wish to transfer the revolution to the other kingdoms it is
lost ... That means looking for possibilities of revolution in every
government and operating with them. Vanity warms the bourgeois,
pressing need ruins the people. The former need gold to gamble
with, for the latter it is enough to have realised hopes ..." The Grand
Orient ofFrance issued a manifesto in which it says: "All the lodges
have come together to join together, to unite their powers for the
support of the revolution, to obtain friends and protectors for
everywhere, to stoke the fire, and with it to set minds on fire, to
arouse enthusiasm in all countries and with all the means in their
power ...
After all it is not so surprising now that among the leading
men of 1 789 around 250 were Freemasons. That many slipped finally
out of control and were delivered to the guillotine by their brothers
alters nothing in the facts mentioned above. As a rule, the devil is
indeed, in the end, the fool.
The French armies marched triumphantly through the
countries, the much-famed Prussian army, on the other hand, fell in
one blow. Why? Even here, along with the pigtail, there operated
also the secret power.
The Freemason Dumouriez 229 was opposed by the Duke of
Sachsen-Teschen, 230 a Freemason, as commander of the Austrian
troops, and the Illuminatus Duke of Brunswick, as supreme
commander. The latter of course published threatening manifestos,
demanded security for the king of France, but his deeds stood in
complete contradiction to them. Of course the undisciplined hordes
of Dumouriez dispersed, fortresses opened their gates at the first
Deschamps, op.cit., Vol.11, pp. 138,150-154.
[Charles Francois Dumouriez (1739-1823) was a French general during the
Revolutionary- Wars but deserted the army, along with the Duke of Chartres, in
1793. The battle referred to here is the Battle of Jemmapes of November 1792.]
[Prince Albert of Saxony, Duke of Teschen (1738-1 822) was a German prince
who married into the Habsburg family. He led the Imperial army against the French
at the Battle of Jemmapes.]