Page 128 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 128

The Track of the Jew through the Ages

        of the outraged people, advised him to preserve the civic peace, the
        renunciation of his monarchical privileges, etc. And when they had
        finally weakened him, usurped the power for themselves, they hid
        him in the temple. An extremely interesting document on the powers
        of this time is provided to us by the former Prussian Foreign Minister,
        Count Haugwitz,   in a memoir from  1 822 which he wrote after
        his retirement from political life.  I quote the following from it:
               "Aptitude and education had aroused in me a desire for
        knowledge that the ordinary did not satisfy - through Count Stolberg
        and Dr. Mumser I was myself accepted into the chapter  ... I was
        called upon to take up the higher direction of a part of the Prussian,
        Polish and Russian Masonic conferences. Masonry was divided into
        two parties. One searched for the philosophers' stone and was
        occupied with alchemy ... It was different with the other party, whose
        apparent chief was Prince Friedrich of Brunswick.  227
               In open feud between themselves, the two agreed in one
        thing: to have the throne in their possession and the monarchs as
        their trustees, that was the goal. Nothing remained to me but to
        leave with eclat or go my own way ... I acquired the strong conviction
        that that which had begun in 1789, the French Revolution, the
        regicide, had been introduced over a long time through connections
        - my first impulse was to inform Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of
        everything. It seemed to the prince to be advisable not to break the
        connection with Masonry entirely in that he saw at present, with
        legal men in the lodges, a means of reducing the influence of the
        treason ... The secret network has existed for centuries and threatens
        mankind more than ever ..."
               At a meeting of the Propaganda Committee for the
        Revolution on 21 May 1790, one of the chief conspirators (Duport)

          [Christian Count Haugwitz (1752-1832) was the Foreign Minister of Prussia
        during the Napoleonic Wars. In 1806, after the Battle of Jena, Haugwitz retired
        from his position.]
          Denkschriften und Brief e, 1840, Vol.IV, pp.212-220.
           [Prince Friedrich-Wilhelm, Duke of Brunswick-Liineburg (1771-1815)
        participated in the Battle of Jena as a major-general. In  1 809, he created a Schwarze
        Schar (Black Horde) with the help of the Austrian Empire to liberate Prussia from
        Napoleonic rule.]
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