Page 123 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 123
Alfred Rosenberg
Luigi Luzzati, Foreign Minister Sonnino, War Minister Ottolenghi,
Barzilai (Biirzel), all in Italy; Nathan Strauss, Bernhard Baruch
(director of all the war industries in the United States and
representative of 26 Entente nations at transactions in all parts of
the world), all in America; Fonseca, Castro and Pereira in Portugal
and Brazil, etc.
These names speak loudly without having to cite the billion-
mark businesses and everyone who has a judgement that is to a
degree unprejudiced must tell himself that they demonstrate a strong
cooperative activity. Even if these people may have had business
conflicts, in one thing they were united: destroying Germany.
The Jews and Freemasonry
The Jewish world- speculators are in yet another way closely
bound to the leaders of the fate of the Entente states: through
I do not wish to go into greater detail about either the many
"mysteries" or the alleged secrets of the Freemasons but only to
illuminate the political effect of the order and its goals.
The country in which the real Freemasonry was born is
England. From England lodges were founded in France and Germany
at the beginning of the 18 th century, in 1721 in Dunkirk and Mons,
in 1 725 in Paris, in 1 733 in Valenciennes, etc. Even though the king
threatened the secret society with everything, they won such a
following that not even the prospect of the Bastille was frightening.
In 1756, a number of associations united into a "Grand Lodge of
Heise, op.cit., p.49. Some understandable mistakes are incidentally to be noted
in Heise.
[Louis Philippe, Duke of Orleans (1747-1793) was an active supporter of the
French Revolution and adopted the revolutionary name Philippe Citoyen Egalite.
He was Grand Master of the French Orient from 1771 to 1 793, when he distanced
himself from Freemasonry. Mainly on account of the association of his son, Louis
Philippe, Duke of Chartes, with General Charled Dumouriez, who deserted to the
Austri an camp in March 1 793, the Duke of Orleans was arrested and guillotined
in November 1793. The Duke of Chartres became King Louis Philippe I in 1 830.]