Page 120 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 120
The Track of the Jew through the Ages
insolent jokes or when (during the war) the undermining of the spirit
of German resistance was not most enthusiastically conducted
through a praise of the Entente nations ready for peace and a
smearing of German "militarism".
In no other country in the world would men have been able
to indulge in such provocatively anti-national language at a time of
the nation's hour of destiny as the Jews Cohn 205 and Haase 206 did in
the parliament, and indeed quite shamelessly and without
impediment! Concerned about the success of a plot of a racial
comrade in Moscow, Mr. Hugo Haase once (in the summer of 1 9 1
shouted: "If the German government should undertake anything
against the Soviet government, it is our sacred duty to call the
German proletariat to revolution". These words of a rabble-rouser
unscrupulously betraying the Germany nation and its interests were
able to resound without punishment!
The Entente Jews
The world war had set in opposition to each other two
mighty power groups and consequently also divided the Jewish
people into two parts. Apart from Russia, the leading Jewish
personalities in France, England, Italy, North America stood united
and closed behind the anti-German governments of these states and
indeed they were the richest and most influential Jews of the world,
against whom the colony ofBerlin Jews could not play any decisive
But London was the centre; from here extended the activity
of the Jewish world-federation, here lay the centre of gravity of the
Jewish question. It is said that the Jews form a state within a state.
But that is only a half-truth; for it is much more important to stress
[Oskar Cohn (1869-1934) was a Jewish politician who worked with Karl
Liebknecht, the founder of the Spartacist League, and was a staunch Zionist. He
fled to Paris in 1933.]
[Hugo Haase (1 863-1919) was a Jewish socialist who became chairman of the
Socialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (SPD), along with the German August
Bebel, in 1 91 1. He professed to be a pacifist and organised a huge anti-war rally in
July 1914.]