Page 121 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 121
Alfred Rosenberg
that it represents a state over the states. Compared to the central
government in London ofthe Jewish world-state, the German branch
was in an uncomfortable position. Apart from the blinded, hatred-
filled outsiders Cohn, Haase, Luxemburg, 207 etc., there were
naturally enough cool Jewish businessmen who, since they could
not, in the interests of all Jews, approve a complete German victory
in advance, did not however wish to give up the little sheep that
they had grabbed. So they tried to balance out German politics.
That would have strengthened their power but at the same time
perhaps would not have annoyed the powerful in London too much.
What the intention of the Jewish financiers had been even
before the war was made fully clear during it, namely, that the
internationally led national goals of Jewry were to be considered as
coinciding with those of the British Empire.
That meant that the Jews were determined to concentrate
their interests as much as possible and guarantee everywhere their
national security through a powerful world-state or a consortium
that they supported. Gradually perceiving the usefulness of such an
orientation, the German Jewish journalists then slowed down the
German wagon more and more and steadily accelerated the Anglo-
Jewish one.
The most bitter criticisms of Germany rang out from the
newspapers conducted by Jews and gladly supported, naturally, on
account of their clear anti-German sentiment, by the Entente states.
The reader found the same ideas all over in a hundred forms and
what that means in the present time can be imagined by anybody
without difficulty. Here there was a cooperation of a dozen ennobled
Jews of the Upper House.
One knows that the Jews in England became very influential,
that baronet and peer titles with all privileges were shamelessly
sold to them for ten-, fifty-, hundred thousand pounds sterling (during
the war the same was done with the army suppliers). Two Jews
[Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) was a Jewish Marxist who founded, along with
Liebknecht, the Spartacist League which eventually became the Communist Party
of Germany (KPD). Both Luxemburg and Liebknecht were assassinated by the
Freikorps in 1919.]