Page 122 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 122
The Track of the Jew through the Ages
stood out here: Abraham Sassoon and Sir Ernest Sassel, who had
immigrated from Germany. At that time the scene-shifters in the
House ofLords were Montague (Montag, a former watchmaker from
Galicia), Rothschild, Burnham (Levy-Lawson), Herschel (Naphtali),
Ludloy (Levi), etc.
Now, the centre of the Jewish fraternity was formed by the
Alliance israelite universelle. There are Jews and Jewish bosses
who even today are concerned to represent this as a philanthropic
and politically harmless society and, of course, there are more people
who indiscriminately believe this obvious lie. The support of Jews
without means is naturally only a front; already the founder of the
Alliance, Cremieux, 208 had given himself a political task from the
start. "A new empire must arise . . . instead of the Emperor and the
Pope", he said at the first General Assembly and later he reported:
"We are going forwards with large strides, the Alliance is becoming
a real power".
That is unequivocal enough, and the benevolent activity of
the Alliance consisted for decades indeed in suppressing scandalous
affairs against Jews, the "innocently persecuted", and other things
ofthe sort. And today the immeasurable wealth operates in all states
for Jewish world-rule. More than ever is the saying right that the
Alliance: "finds access to the mightiest thrones and that all political
and municipal authorities defer to it".
Now to this one might say all-powerful secret society
belonged further, apart from the above mentioned English lords,
the following statesmen: Burnay, Herbert Samuel (formerly Lord
Mayor of London), the Earl of Reading (Rufus Isaacs, now dead,
who had been proposed as a judge over Wilhelm II, who was guilty
of the "harming of international ethics"), George Ernest (Salomon),
B. Putmann (Simonsohn), all in England; the Rothschilds and
Lavinos in France; Grandmaster Lemmi, Secretary of the Treasury
[Adolphe Cremieux (ne Isaac Moi'se) (1796-1880) was a liberal French Jewish
politician who founded the Alliance Israelite Universelle in I860.]
AUgemeine Zeitung des Judentums, February 1 891 ; Heise, Ententefreimaurerei
[Karl Heise, Entente-Freimaurerei und Weltkrieg: Ein Beitragzur Geschichte des
Weltkrieges und zum Verstdndnis der wahren Freimauererei, Basel Ernst Finckh,