Page 210 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 210

The Track of the Jew through the Ages

         close at hand immediately set to itself, like a child that knows
         nothing, a completely unachievable goal, the whole of mankind.
                Many honest men adopted socialism, but the majority of
         Europeans energetically formed a front against internationalism in
         the sense of anti-nationalism and against revolution. Even an August
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         Bebel  opined in his old age,  that it is not even certain yet whom
         the fatherland belongs to, to the rich or to the poor, and the one who
         spoke those words was however the one who had protested against
         the annexation of ElsaB-Lothringen so much as to want to take up
         flint-stones if necessary in order to defend the fatherland. But he
         and other men had perceived the irreplaceable worth of the nation,
         they had also recognised the catastrophe that a revolution conjured
         up and did not wish to participate in it.
                But everyone must ask himself first: how is it that the call
         for internationalism, more precisely national chaos, is called forth
         with ever increasing power from amidst a people who had for
         thousands ofyears preserved their character in the most rigid national
         cohesion and maintained their tradition? The answer is thefollowing:
         The callfor internationalism in the sense of anti-nationalism is the
         call ofnationalistic Jewry, the callfor class-struggle in the sense of
         civil war is the call of the exploiter who knows no classes!
                The significance of all democracy understood in a Jewish
         way, of socialism understood in a Jewish way, offreedom understood
         in a Jewish way, is the subjugation of all other nations, all other
         rights, as the Jewish law demanded it two thousand years ago, and
         must demand it today and in the future.
                Ifwe were able to ascertain the character ofthe Jew through
         an observation of Jewish history, ifwe had to call forth our spiritual
         heritage as a counter-weight against the operation of the Jewish
         mind, then, not human, but state tolerance must stop in the face of
         the frightening necessity with which the Jewish character asserts
         itself, secretly or when it has come to power.
                Every European must become aware that it is a matter of
         everything that our mind, our character has handed over to us as an
         inherited tradition to be fostered and administered and that here

           Parliamentary speech, 1904.
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