Page 48 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 48

The Track of the Jew through the Ages

         heathens there is no wife, they are not really their wives,"  this
         signifies a legally authorised robbery of all peoples. All the usury,
         all the fraud practised through the centuries on the peoples of the
         world is therefore not to be considered as an aberration but, on the
         contrary, the following of the laws of the Sinai and the Talmud
                That is why Luther wrote indignantly on this matter, that is
         why Goethe said of the Jews: "They have a religion which allows
         them to rob foreigners", that is why Fichte cried out in despair: "Let
         the Jews continue not to believe in Jesus Christ, let them not believe
         in any god at all, as long as they do not believe in two different
         moral laws and a god hostile to humanity".
                So when one attacks the Jews that does not happen in order
         to gag freedom ofthought, as they always maintain with indignation,
         but in order to launch an attack on a system of laws that runs directly
         counter to those of all states. It must be established once and for all
         that a race with this legal feeling cannot be able to do justice to that
         of the Europeans and that, consequently, the Jews must for ever be
         refused influence through the public offices occupied by them, for
         a Jewish judge cannot and may not act otherwise than to protect
         and defend, always and everywhere, only the Jews.
                Naive enthusiasts of humanitarianism maintain now that
         the Jewish laws are, in our progressive age, things of the past. To
         that it is to be countered that almost 9 million Jews, that is, two-
         thirds ofthe entire Jewry ofthe world, are still the strictest followers
         of the Talmud. That is why the laws of all states have always been
         to the Jew a thorn in his eye and he has constantly tried to counteract
         them or explain them with Talmudic sharpness for his own goals.
         That is why we see also that the Jews have seldom tried to obtain
         admission as citizens into all occupations but always aimed at
         extracting exceptional conditions and laws for themselves. The laws
         of a land of course prevented the Jews in the exercice of their

           Sanhedrin, fol.81a,b.
           [Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1 814) was one ofthe founders of German Idealism.
         This remark is from Fichte's 1 793 pamphlet "Beitrag zur Berichtigung der Urtheile
         des Publicums uber die franzijsische Revolution" (A contribution to the correction
         ofthe public opinion on the French Revolution".]
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