Page 49 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 49

Alfred Rosenberg

            practices mechanically but where this ban, through whatever
            influences, loosened, the Jew rushed in first, and with great energy,
            into the breach. We see it now in Russia and saw it up to 1933 in
            Germany. It cannot also be explained by the fact that the metropolitan
            Jews do not have anything to do with the Talmudic laws. For it is
            not the Talmud that has made the Jews, but the Jews who made it.
            Besides, this book has ruled the Jewish intellectual life for two
            thousand years, it was drummed into children from the age of 6 on
            day after day and has therefore naturally formed the character of all
            Jews in the given direction, whether they are now atheistic stock-
            exchange speculators, religious fanatics or Talmudic costumed Jews.
            Besides, our metropolitan Jews originate quite directly from small
            villages of Galicia  or Poland.
                   Now, if we admit that, whatever may be brought forward
            by well-meaning friends of Jews, there are enough Christian
            speculators, it is not to be denied that precisely the feeling ofjustice
            has stood especially high among the German people.
                   A people can absorb a percentage of bad specimens but
            when a fraudulent mind with complete lack of restraint, prepared
            most expertly by the most hair-splitting education for all juridical
            subtleties and corruptions, adheres with incredible tenacity and is
            supported with enormous wealth, this is a danger to the people.
            With phrases about humanity and equality one cannot solve any
            historical and racial problems as the Internationalist masters today,
            through Jewish propaganda, believe they are able to. For that a
            recognition of the direction of the will of the Jews is necessary, but
            for that our age, befogged with phrases, lacks the necessary character.

                                Religious intolerance

                   If the Jew consciously separated himself from all other
            peoples in moral, legal and national questions, it is understandable
            that his religious thought was no exception. As his people was the
            chosen, his religion was to him, in general, the only religion.

              [Galicia is a region that today straddles the border between Poland and Ukraine.]

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