Page 54 - The Track Of The Jew Through The Ages - Alfred Rosenberg
P. 54
The Track of the Jew through the Ages
hate thee (the god of Israel) and detest those who rebel against thee?
Full of the most complete hatred, I hate those who hate thee, they
are enemies to me". 78
In conclusion may the words of an anti-Talmudist be cited
as well which are worth being proclaimed. Walther Rubens writes:
"The reform movement initiated by Mendelssohn, the practical
identification of Judaism with humanity, this current has got
dammed, has indeed from time to time turned back in a retrograde
movement . . . , the same feelings of fanaticism are nourished as those
in the time of Spinoza that stuck a treacherous dagger into him,
although the Jews at present are sufficiently political to hide this
fanaticism and only here and there do the wolf's claws stick out
from the sheep's skin. The Schulchan-Aruch, 81 that obscure work
of power, teeming with absurdities of all sorts and fanatic laws, is
the infallible codex of this orientation".
These examples may suffice. They should reveal with what
sort of mentality the Jews moved into the countries of Europe and
Asia, how they were disposed to them in moral, national and religious
relations and how they are even today.
Along with the principal intolerance with regard to non-
Jews goes a no less sharp persecution of community members who
have become unfaithful to the law. It is known that apostasy was
punished with stoning, strangling, the pouring of fluid metals into
the throat, in order to burn the soul, and whatever else may have
been practised.
About that is said, among other things: "A criminal is
immersed in dung to his knees; then a hard cloth is placed in a soft
Tractate Shabbath, fol.l 16a.
[Moses Mendelssohn (1729-86) was an important figure of the German
Enlightenment who sought to increase the acceptance ofJews into German cultured
society. However he never gave up his sense of the uniqueness of his religion, as is
evident from his major work, Jerusalem (1783). See also pp. 84, 103 below].
[The account of a failed attempt to stab Spinoza shortly before his formal
excommunication is given in Pierre Bayle's biographical dictionary Dictionnaire
historique et critique (1697).]
[The Schulchan Aruch is the most authoritative legal code of Judaism and was
written by Yosef Karo in 1 563 in Israel]
[W. Rubens,] Das Talmudjudentum, Zurich, 1893, p.3.