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A Matter of Survival

             and peacekeeping missions or peace-building activities, lists of   protection of water infrastructure and stimulate international
             protected water infrastructure should be made available to the   cooperation for their effective use.
             United Nations.
                                                                Religious Precepts
             Security and  protection of water  resources and  related
             infrastructure can also be provided through the use of specific   In addition to the UN system and humanitarian organizations, it
             technological devices such as warning systems, anti-hijack   is useful to explore religious precepts and laws insofar as they
             systems, password-controlled gates for water facilities, and   relate to water and water protection. Water is significant in all
             other security devices.                            major religions, as a symbol of life and peace. Religious laws
                                                                and beliefs may be relevant in the context of water protection,
             This  is important for the  protection  of  all water installations,   where they are conceptually compatible with International
             including water treatment plants. When treatment plants are   Humanitarian  Law.  These  may  appeal  to  certain  groups  who
             attacked, water that could be otherwise used by civilians is left   consider IHL as an alien construct.
             completely unusable. If a wastewater facility is damaged, and
             untreated water is left to flow, this has a disastrous impact on   In Hindu mythology, rivers are sacred. Water is the basis of life
             downstream populations. Moreover, when containers holding   and the foundation of the world. It is a symbol of purity, clarity
             chemicals at treatment plants are destroyed, dangerous toxic   and calmness in Buddhism, which teaches that people must live
             substances that are lethal for humans, can be released. Since   in harmony with nature.
             chlorine gas and other commonly used chemicals in water
             treatment can be deadly during an armed conflict, countries   Islamic law prohibits water poisoning and goes into great
             are seeking alternate methods of water treatment, using sodium   detail on the subject of how to ensure fair and equitable water
             hypochlorite or ultraviolet light.                 distribution within the community. Under Islam, every human
                                                                being is entitled to water, which is considered a gift of God.
             Several countries already use advanced technological features   Water should be freely available to all and it is considered a sin
             to protect water infrastructure. It is important to further develop   to withhold surplus water. Islam also emphasizes that everyone,
             and use water protection technologies and software, which are   not only Muslims, have the right to water.
             effective both in peace and violent conflicts. In addition, the
             following steps may be helpful:                    In both Judaism and Christianity, water plays an important role
                                                                in religious rituals and practices. Pope Francis emphasized that
                ▪ Identification of the most critical assets in water and waste   access to safe drinking water is a basic and universal right. He
               water systems to be defined as “vital infrastructures,”  has encouraged the international community to protect water
                ▪ GPS positioning of those critical assets,     resources and make water available to all.
                ▪ Strict interdiction to target or occupy those critical points by   It is important to understand the significance of the religious
               the parties in the conflict,                     precepts regarding water and insist on them as an obligation
                ▪ Strict interdiction to steal, destroy or modify parameters of   to protect water resources in conditions of armed conflict. This
               water quality monitoring devices in those critical points, and   may also be helpful in efforts to bring warring parties to the
                ▪ Establishment of and support for online water quality   negotiating table – particularly in situations of intense armed
               monitoring systems for sensitive sites such as hospitals.  conflict in which humanitarian ceasefires or water-related
                                                                ceasefires are necessary to protect civilian populations.
             The measures suggested above amount to developing early
             warning systems. Currently, regional inter-governmental   In practice, references to religious precepts will work primarily
             organizations have been making efforts to map hot spots and   within religious communities and within States sharing the
             identify signals of future threats. Effective early warning systems   same religious traditions. This is of particular relevance in
             would require a list of water-related infrastructure in relevant   situations  where  the  religious  precepts  on  water  are  invoked
             regions, but this raises two complications. First, governments   with the objective to delegitimize threats from groups that
             may find it intrusive for an international or regional organization   seek legitimacy on the basis of their interpretation of religion,
             to monitor facilities in their jurisdictions. Second, armed   calculated to attract the support of their followers.
             non-state actors could obtain such lists and use them to identify
             targets, which would defeat the very purpose for which these
             lists were created. In order for this approach in identifying and   Measures within the United Nations
             protecting vital infrastructure to be effective, it is important that   Framework
             the data gathered and lists prepared are handled with care –
             internally and internationally.                    From 1992 to 2016, UN Secretaries-General Boutros Boutros-
                                                                Ghali, Kofi Annan, and Ban Ki-moon urged the United Nations
             Efforts to find solutions to these problems require an adequate   Member States to examine linkages between water, peace and
             level of international cooperation and confidence building. UN   security. However, water issues have remained largely confined
             bodies such as the Counter-Terrorism Committee should study   to the UN development and environmental agenda.
             trends in the development of technological means for the

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