Page 33 - report_A Matter of Survival
P. 33
A Matter of Survival
The UN Security Council must give coherent and complete A Security Council Resolution on Water, Peace and Security
mandates, as well as match these with the necessary capacity would constitute follow up to the resolution on the protection of
on the ground in the peacekeeping operation. civilians in armed conflicts, S/RES/1265 (1999). This would help
to focus the international community’s attention on the specific
Issues concerning the protection of water resources also arise in issues of water and water infrastructure protection during
situations where there is no peacekeeping operation in place and armed conflicts. It would form the basis for the UNSC mandates
where this may not be possible during an active armed conflict. for UN peacekeeping operations for the protection of water and
The conditions in Syria and Iraq described above belong to this water infrastructure, similar to the UNSC resolution on women
category. In such situations, questions about the authorization of in armed conflicts (S/RES/1325 (2000)) that has influenced
the use of force by States or groups of States often arise. Although peacekeeping operations.
it might not be possible to grant this authorization in each and
every case, it should not be impossible for the Security Council In the past, protection of essential civilian infrastructure has
to convey a sense of legitimacy on the use of force in situations been afforded by the Security Council. In the UNSC Resolutions
where civilians are gravely affected and lack access to water S/RES/1998 (2011) and S/RES/2286 (2016), the Security Council
during an active armed conflict. Of course, the principles and inter alia called upon Member States to take action against
norms of IHL must be observed in these situations by the States perpetrators who violated international law by attacking schools
engaged in this type of military activity. This applies especially and hospitals. Specific references aiming at protecting water
to the principle of proportionality of the use of force and the stations and water supply were made in the Security Council
distinction between military and non-military objects. These resolutions S/RES/2118 (2013) and S/RES/2165 (2014).
principles also provide the framework for decision making of the
Security Council and the platform for the Council’s assessment Earlier this year the Security Council adopted its resolution
of such situations, and of actions by UN Member States. S/RES/2341 (2017) to counter threats to international peace
and security caused by acts of terrorism. The resolution is
Finally, post-conflict peace building may require a long-term focused on the protection of critical infrastructure, and notes
effort of the UN in assisting in the restoration or building up of the increasing importance of cross-border infrastructure and
the necessary water infrastructure. This type of engagement interdependencies between nations. Water supply is specifically
will sometimes require long-term engagement of the Security mentioned in this regard. The Security Council urged all States
Council and the UN Peace Building Commission (UNPBC). The to ensure that all their relevant domestic departments, agencies
UNPBC brings together all relevant actors to marshal resources, and other entities work closely and effectively on matters
and to advise on and propose integrated strategies for post- relating to the protection of critical infrastructure against
conflict peace building and recovery. Water is already among its terrorist attacks.
top priorities. The periodic reviews of the UN’s peace building
should keep water issues as an ongoing priority in the effort These resolutions illustrate the trend to strengthening the
to promote an integrated, strategic and coherent approach to protection of basic humanitarian facilities and infrastructure. It
peace building. is necessary to address this need to protect water resources and
infrastructure even more explicitly and in more detailed ways in
The Central Role of the UN Security Council the future.
A broad look at the water issues in armed conflicts and recent Subsidiary bodies of the Security Council should review their
experience leads to the conclusion that the time is becoming practices and make certain that the protection of water is among
ripe for a thematic resolution of the UN Security Council (UNSC) their standing priorities. As mentioned above, the UN Peace
on water, peace and security. This conclusion is echoed by the Building Commission already includes water in its reconstruction
recent debates of the Security Council itself. On 22 November and institution-building work. This work must continue.
2016, Senegal in its role as President of the Security Council,
convened its 7818 meeting and, for the first time, debated the The Counterterrorism Committee needs to explore ways in
linkages between water, peace and security. It was an open which to design responses to terrorist activities against water
session in which UN Member States outside the Security Council infrastructure, including the necessary information sharing
could also participate. Representatives of 69 governments aimed at more effective prevention of terrorist acts.
including the 15 Security Council members intervened,
emphasizing the importance of water in promoting cooperation The UN Secretariat should assist in all these activities by bringing
and peace. Several Member States recommended that the together the existing information from within the UN system,
Security Council remain involved with the subject, though a few as well as specific recommendations to ensure system-wide
Member States opposed this approach. coherence in addressing the issues of water, security and peace.
With these beginnings in the Security Council, it is possible
to consider various measures that the United Nations could
undertake to protect water resources and infrastructure. It will,
in the first place, require the recognition of water as “a vital asset
of humankind” by the Security Council.