Page 81 - report_A Matter of Survival
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A Matter of Survival

             third, finance: The overall investment in water and sanitation   formulating a strategic framework for global water cooperation
             needs to be increased substantially. Existing financial facilities,   and a program of action defining specific priorities for the five-
             some  of  which  were  established  with  the  goal  of  promoting   year period following the Global Conference.
             international cooperation for the protection of the environment
             and mitigating the effects of climate change, should be used   Within its primary responsibility for the maintenance of
             more fully. It is important to underline that the overwhelming   international peace and security, the UN Security Council
             proportion of the physical effects of climate change is transmitted   is expected to design an effective policy framework for the
             through water. Therefore, water-related projects for mitigation   protection of water resources and installations in the situations
             and, increasingly, for adaptation to the effects of climate change,   on the Council’s agenda.
             have to be given higher priority and better financial support
             than was hitherto the case. While overall investment in water   2. Into the Abyss: Water in Armed Conflicts
             and sanitation has to increase substantially, there is a need to
             create instruments for preferential and concessional finance for   Within its efforts to strengthen the protection of civilians
             collaborative projects, especially those in shared water basins.   in armed conflicts, the UN Security Council should adopt a
             Such  projects  have  a  significant  impact  on  the  lives  of  local   resolution that will reflect the experiences of protecting water
             populations, and have to be given priority. We therefore propose   resources and infrastructure in armed conflicts, and guide the
             the creation of a new Blue Fund to serve this purpose.  Council’s decision making relating to specific situations on its
                                                                agenda. The Panel believes that the resolution could include a
             fourth, political support: Positive linkages between water   number of elements stemming from existing experience.
             cooperation and peace need political support. As in all other
             areas of international cooperation, political will is essential for   The Security Council should:
             progress. The UN General Assembly and the Security Council are     ▪ Recognize  water  as  “a  vital  asset  of  humankind”  and
             the key instruments to generate and strengthen such political
             will. In this framework, other international institutions and States   emphasize that the protection of water resources and
                                                                  installations constitutes a vital element of the protection
             should be encouraged to give high priority to water cooperation   of civilians in armed conflicts, therefore water must not be
             in their policymaking. Civil society and grassroots organizations
             should contribute their views, based on their experience and   affected by armed attack or used as a weapon of war;
             knowledge.                                            ▪ Strengthen the respect for and implementation of International
                                                                  Humanitarian Law (IHL) and clarify that IHL principles, such
             We have studied the issues of water and peace with passion   as the principles of distinction and proportionality must be
             and strong commitment. Our report reflects our thinking   applied both in international and in non-international armed
             and discussion. Throughout the report we have offered   conflicts;
             recommendations related specifically to each chapter. We     ▪ Encourage “water supply ceasefires” during armed conflicts
             now summarize them in the final chapter with the aim that   and the inclusion of water issues and water cooperation in
             they are seen together, as a complete set of our proposals for   peace agreements;
             further action and as building blocks for future activities.    ▪ Insist on restraint with respect to the environment during
                                                                  armed conflicts and encourage provisions on environmental
             1. The Drama of Water                                protection in ceasefires and peace agreements;
                                                                   ▪ Provide a platform for support to humanitarian organizations
             We share the widely held understanding that water scarcity   in their work before, during and after armed conflicts;
             and deteriorating quality represent an ever more pronounced
             conflict-risk multiplier, and that therefore the world needs a     ▪ Encourage the quick deployment of military water specialists
             fundamental rethinking of the global approach to water issues.   in peace operations to rehabilitate and rebuild water supply
             The nexus between water, peace and security has to be given   systems;
             urgent attention and a thorough consideration in the context of     ▪ Guide the formulation and implementation of mandates of UN
             this rethinking.                                     peace operations as well as post-conflict activities that will
                                                                  include the protection of water resources and installations;
             We welcome the existing engagement of a multitude of actors in     ▪ Serve as an inspiration to other UN bodies as well as to UN
             this effort and recommend that the UN serve as the vehicle of the   Member States and other international actors.
             policy and institutional changes.
                                                                States and the relevant international organizations and UN
             The UN General Assembly has the most important responsibilities   bodies, including the Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism
             in this context, while the UN Security Council is expected to   Committee  should  study  the  trends  in  the  development  of
             develop a policy framework for the protection of water resources   technologies for protecting water infrastructure and stimulate
             and installations in armed conflicts and in other situations on   international cooperation for their effective use in situations
             the Council’s agenda.                              of armed conflicts. States should be encouraged to develop
                                                                the appropriate legislative frameworks for the protection of
             We recommend that the UN General Assembly convenes a Global   transboundary water infrastructures against terrorist acts.
             Conference on International Water Cooperation with the aim of

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