Page 76 - report_A Matter of Survival
P. 76

In Pursuit of Agency: New Mechanisms of Water Diplomacy

             There is no hierarchy among the basic means of dispute   of confidence among States, and would concentrate on low
             settlements  : any among them that is appropriate in solving   threshold situations. Depending on the needs of the parties,
             a dispute is both equally acceptable and authoritative. The once   the Observatory might help in facilitating fact finding and good
             fashionable distinction between political and legal disputes   offices, while other more direct forms of dispute settlement
             – the former being appropriate for mediation and the latter for   would be dealt with by existing mechanisms.
             adjudication – has lost its erstwhile significance. Today, for
             example, arbitrations and the International Court of Justice are   Providing Broad Recommendations and Advice
             among the frequently used mechanisms for border settlement   for Water Cooperation
             and other territorial disputes, which were once considered classic
             examples of political disputes. This has led to significant change in
             state practices on this issue. A number of water-related disputes   Given the informal nature of its operations, the GOWP could
             have  been  settled  by arbitration  or  the International  Court  of   cooperate with a variety of regional and national actors, as well
             Justice.                                           as with those involved in inter-sectoral water management.

                                                                The Observatory would help in the efforts to expand the number
             Role of the Global Observatory for Water and       of States Parties to the 1997 UN Watercourses Convention and
             Peace with Respect to Potential Disputes           the 1992 UNECE Water Convention (which since 2016 is open
                                                                for accession to all UN Member States). It would also strive to
             The Global Observatory for Water and Peace, as suggested   facilitate the use of the Implementation Committee under the
             above, would strengthen the capacity of international actors to   UNECE Water Convention.
             communicate discreetly and to address incipient situations that
             might, if unattended, lead to friction and even full-scale inter-  Since several important tasks of international water cooperation
             state disputes. In addition, it would energize the inputs to the   need to be addressed anew  and with  greater urgency at the
             prevention of possible armed conflicts that specifically include   level of the UN General Assembly, the GOWP would develop the
             tensions over water among the causes of the conflict.   appropriate communication materials in collaboration with the
                                                                relevant actors within and outside the UN System, including but
             In other words, the Observatory’s role with respect to potential   not limited to such programs and agencies as UNESCO, WMO,
             inter-state disputes would be indirect. Knowledge management,   UNEP, UNDP, UNHCR, the World Bank and others working on the
             discreet consultations aiming to strengthen communication,   promotion of water as a factor of peace.
             assistance in securing financing for transboundary water
             projects and other similar activities can be helpful in preventing   When armed conflicts with significant water-related elements
             full-fledged disputes from evolving. In addition, the Observatory   as a cause of conflict do occur, the Global Observatory for
             would have the capacity to address local concerns through   Water and Peace would help the UN Security Council to include
             professional analysis and advice that expands beyond the scope   the protection of water resources and installations adequately
             of transboundary cooperation.                      in efforts to protect civilians, as well as in the Security Council’s
                                                                efforts in peacemaking, peacekeeping and post-conflict
             The Global Observatory for Water and Peace will likely face   peace building.
             typical dispute situations that involve disagreement and lack

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