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interchange.  The Village Center is surrounded by higher   The Business Park/Industrial Condominiums land   develop unless significant earthwork and retaining walls   floors built into the slope (apartments, condominiums).
 density attached housing which is more compatible   use typically combines commercial, office, and light   are used.  In contrast, development is generally located   Or, the entire site can be graded and altered to remove
 with its land uses.  Specific uses may include:  all   industrial uses.  Commercial uses are generally   on the sloping plateaus between these significant   steep slopes and create large flat pads.  This requires
 general retail and service commercial uses including   service-oriented, but also include supportive uses   features.    more grading with higher manufactured slopes and/
 restaurants, grocery stores, general merchandise   such as amenities, personal service, and convenient   or higher retaining walls.  Under this type of program,
 stores, service/repair shops, and specialty stores and   food and restaurant uses for people who work in the   The plateaus are the flatter portions of the project   buildings are not built into the slope.
 shops; entertainment and cultural uses such as movie   business park.  Office and light industrial uses can   site and are generally the least costly to develop.
 theaters/cinemas, stage theaters, performing arts   include but are not limited to light manufacturing,   Significant arroyos, hills, ridges and slopes are located   Employee housing is proposed for moderate terrain
 and music venues, museums, art and music stores   assembly, small-scale distribution and warehousing,   throughout the community and provide a visual and   which can easily be altered to suit any building program,
 and galleries, and stores featuring crafts, curios, and   shipping, pharmaceuticals, research and development,   recreational balance to developed areas, especially   and is located in close proximity to areas of employment
 collectibles; places for social gathering including plazas,   technology, and office professional.  The Business Park   when combined with parks and trails.  These natural   within the Village Center, Business Park, and near the
 promenades, small public spaces, overlooks, outdoor   is located adjacent to the Toll Road and interchange   landforms enhance the built environment and offer the   Toll Road.
 cafes and restaurants, food courts, trails and paseos,   and away from general commercial and residential uses   following advantages:  provide a visual amenity and a
 and Celebration Park.  Other uses may include, but   because of the service and semi-industrial nature of   point of visual interest; act as community landmarks
 are not limited to, offices, boutique hotels, medical   the uses, and the presence of large vehicles and trucks.    for orientation; add variety to the topography of the
 facilities, churches, and financial institutions such as   Also, the function and modular site planning of this use   site; create a feeling of openness with “fingers” that
 banks.  is suited to the narrow width of the land on the north   break up the built appearance of development; provide
 side of the Toll Road.  recreational opportunities for residential neighborhoods
 The center of the Village Center features a large circular   such as hiking and jogging trails, overlooks, interpretive
 roadway that functions as a Glorieta.  This Glorieta is   The Neighborhood Commercial land use provides for   areas, and landscaped areas; provide a garden setting
 an alternative to a conventional road grid with standard   small-scale retail and service commercial uses which   for the back yards and patios of residential homes and
 intersections.  The center of the Glorieta contains   serve the convenience needs of nearby residential   for special areas such as the Village Center; and provide
 enough area to permit development.  The circular   areas, and is located on collector and arterial roads.    for the continuance of regional wildlife corridors.
 road allows drivers to constantly view into the Village   This use is not intended to accommodate major or large-
 Center without stopping and allows for the smooth   scale commercial activities.  Typical uses can include but   Large Estate Lots, Custom Homes, and Hill Top Homes
 flow of traffic.  A driver can circulate as many times as   are not limited to grocery stores, specialty food stores,   are located on moderate to steep slopes.  The large
 desired and make clear decisions as to destination.  The   liquor stores, drugstores/pharmacies, restaurants,   size and/or custom nature of these lots allow them to
 center does not contain internal roads, and therefore   drive-through restaurants, cafes and specialty food   incorporate the following features which can reduce
 pedestrians do not cross roads to move from one   stores, bakeries, bookstores, video stores, hardware,   grading and retaining walls:  natural terrain within
 area to another.  This allows for a concentrated and   shoe repair, dry cleaners, laundromats, barbershops and   the yard areas (open portions of the lot), graded and
 continuous unified village center and a more pedestrian-  beauty shops, overnight delivery services such as FedEx,   terraced yard areas, and split floors and full floors built
 friendly environment.  post offices, and financial institutions such as banks.    into the slope.  As an alternative, slopes can be altered
            to create large flat pads.  However, this requires more
 The Village Center is located on slopes that range from   Elementary Schools are located within the concentration   grading with higher manufactured slopes and/or higher
 gentle to steep which can accommodate large flat pad   of residential areas in the north half of the property,   retaining walls.  These lot types are typically surrounded
 construction but also require grading, manufactured   including areas of higher density housing, and serve the   by “fingers” of natural open space including hills and
 slopes, retaining walls, and the possible use of grade-  entire project site.  arroyos, which enhance the quality of these areas and
 adaptive techniques.  Celebration Park retains the   create exclusive enclaves.
 natural slopes and two small hills which enhance the   Parks and Community Recreation Facilities are located
 recreational experience.    evenly throughout the entire project site and are   Cluster Homes and Garden Homes are generally located
 designed to serve groups of residential neighborhoods.    on gentle to moderate slopes.  This terrain allows for
 The Highway Service and Highway Oriented Commercial   Parks are located on slopes that range from gentle to   the construction of small or large flat pads with minimal
 land uses provide auto-oriented commercial services   steep and can feature active and passive recreational   grading.  Depending on the lot sizes and product types,
 for residents and travelers.  The Highway Service use is   uses that are best suited for the terrain.  The terrain can   minimal grade-adaptive techniques can be used to
 located adjacent to the interchange with the Toll Road,   be altered as necessary with grading and natural stone   reduce grading if desired.
 and the Highway Oriented Commercial use is located   retaining walls.  Natural slopes and landscaping can be
 in close proximity to these areas.  This allows for direct   incorporated into parks to enhance the recreational   Apartment, Condominiums, and Townhomes are located
 access to and from the Toll Road and good visibility of   experience.  Arroyo trails, other trails, and trails within   on gentle, moderate, and steep slopes.  For moderate
 these uses from the Toll Road.  Typical uses may include,   road parkways link all parks and residential areas with   to steep slopes, there are two general options.  The
 but are not limited to, overnight accommodations/  the Village Center, Toll Road, and Highway 1, as well as   buildings can be designed to adapt to the terrain with
 lodging such as hotels and motels, limited retail   arroyos, hills, and open space areas.  grade-adaptive features such as:  single garages on
 commercial uses including food and grocery and   different levels (townhomes); surface parking areas
 convenience stores, restaurants and cafes, drive-through   The Open Space land use pertains to natural areas that   or parking structures on different levels (apartments,
 restaurants, gas stations, EV charging stations, truck and   are preserved and therefore not developed.  These   condominiums); walkways, common areas, and
 auto service and repair, tow services, car washes, bus   areas include significant arroyos, hills, ridges, and   amenities on different levels; split floors and full single
 terminals, and rental car agencies.     slopes, and generally have slopes that are too steep to   floors built into the slope (townhomes); or stacked

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