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Germany - PolyU Innovation and                           PolyU Innovation and
        Technology Development Lecture Series                    Technology Development Lecture Series
        Applied Science Dedicated to Life                        Horizon 2020: What’s in it for Hong Kong?

        Date                                                     Date
          17 Oct 2016                                              24 Nov 2016

           Speaker                                                  Speaker

           •  Dr. Claus-Dieter Kroggel ,Head of Central Office,      •  Dr. Laurent Bochereau, Minister Counsellor,
            Fraunhofer Group for Life Sciences                        Head of Science, Technology and Environment Section,
                                                                      Delegation of the European Union to China and Mongolia
           •  Ms. Antje Kremer, Scientist, Fraunhofer Group for
            Life Sciences
           •  Dr. Siegbert Klee, Director, The German Academic     Abstract
            Exchange Service (DAAD), Hong Kong
                                                                 To foster the EU-Hong Kong collaboration in scientific research
                                                                 and researchers’ exchange, and promote the applications for
          Abstract                                               the EC/RGC (Research Grants Council) Collaboration Scheme,
                                                                 ITDO  organized  the  Horizon  2020  lecture  and  invited  Dr.
        This  lecture  aimed  at  promoting  Germany‘s  Research  and   Laurent to give an overview of Horizon 2020 Program and the
        Innovation, strengthening the mutual collaboration between   research and innovation collaboration opportunities for Hong
        Germany and PolyU. The three speakers covered the topics   Kong Research Community.
        on “Fraunhofer Group Life Sciences - Overview & Innovation   Horizon 2020 is the EU’s current framework programme for
        Generation  and  Management”,  “Tissue  Engineering  of   research  and  innovation  running  from  2014  to  2020  with  a
        Complex Tissues and their Application from Bench to Bedside”   budget of nearly EUR 80 billion. It is the biggest EU research
        and “German Research Landscape and Funding Options for
        International Cooperation”.                              and  innovation  programme  ever  and  will  lead  to  more
                                                                 breakthroughs,  discoveries  and  world-firsts  by  taking  great
                                                                 ideas from the lab to the market.

                                                                                            Innovation & Technology Lecture Series 37
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