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The hidden benefits of

            Relative Analgesia

                                                                         itrous Oxide sedation or relative analgesia           the  patient is ambulatory and safe to  leave your  you and patients can experience with the use of
                                                                         is  the safest form of sedation available  to         practice and drive.                                 Nitrous Oxide and in the hope that you will revisit or
                                                                         the Dentist.  It’s effective for the majority of                                                          explore the topic further.  I commend Nitrous Oxide
                                                                         patients  and  particularly useful  in  treating      Some patients take a little longer  than others  to  to you as a valuable and safe tool to use in practice
                                                              Nchildren. I think every practice should be                      recover  from Nitrous  Oxide sedation, but unlike  and I encourage you to explore the opportunities it
                                                                able  to  offer  Nitrous  Oxide  for  the  benefits  to  their   sedative drugs like Midazolam or  Valium it  leaves  provides.
                                                                patients and themselves. That’s  right,  Nitrous  Oxide        the body quickly with no residual. If you use oral or
                                                                provides a lot of benefits to the Dentist; a less stressed     intravenous drugs the effects can hang around for
                                                                patient means a less stressed Dentist and in these             hours and so patients need an escort and someone
                                                                competitive times being able to make patients                  to drive them home. On that note, if you do use oral
                                                                more comfortable and less fearful at the dentist is a          sedation like Temazepam or Valium for example you      Relative Analgesia Full Day Course
                                                                significant  advantage.  Nitrous  Oxide  also  provides        are  responsible for  the  patient when  they  exit  your
                        By Dr. Michael Walker,                  analgesia  which is an often forgotten  component              practice, this is not true for Nitrous Oxide.                     COURSE DATES
                             NSW BDS, FPFA                      of this technique.  Patients often  react to pressure                                                                SYDNEY          MELBOURNE          SYDNEY
                                                                and movement even when there  is effective local
                                                                anaesthesia, Nitrous  Oxide analgesia provides an                                                                   16th March 2019   27th July 2019  21st September 2019
                                                                effective relief from this.
                                                                                                                                                                                     VENUE: to be advised
                                                                The other great thing about Nitrous Oxide /Oxygen                                                                    FEE: $990.00 inc gst and includes catering
                                                                sedation is that due to its safety it can be administered
                                                                to many and variously  medically  compromised
                                                                patients, because even at a maximum dose of                                                                        SUMMARY
                                                                seventy percent  Nitrous  Oxide [N2O-70 %] you  are                                                                This is a course that meets the standards of the International
                                                                                                                                                                                   Federation of Dental Anaesthesiology Societies. The first half of the
                                                                still providing thirty  percent  Oxygen  [O2 -30%] and                                                             day will be lecture style with the afternoon being hands-on.
                                                                that 30% oxygen is 50% higher than environmental air
                                                                which is 20% Oxygen.                                           Nitrous  Oxide is only as good  as it is used and   This  course  will  enable  participants  to  become  proficient  and
                                                                                                                               administered in your practice, and as I teach this, I   confident in the administration of nitrous oxide in clinical practice.
                                                                No technique is fool proof.  The medical status of the         know many people come to courses with no or only
                                                                patient must always be continuously assessed as well           undergraduate exposure. I am also a senior lecturer   This course is a refresher for dentists wishing to update their theory
                                                                as the patient’s suitability. This is where appropriate        in the Conscious Sedation Diploma at the University   and practical skills in the delivery of relative analgesia. Participants
                                                                training comes in, in a well taught education program,         of Sydney for people seeking an endorsed Dental     will be given the opportunity to administer nitrous oxide – oxygen
                                                                taught by people that are educators and regularly              Board qualification in intravenous sedation.   I often   sedation to each other, and to experience themselves them effects
                                                                use nitrous oxide in a practical situation.                    ask new  candidates ”playing devil’s advocate”      of the gases in a safe environment.
                                                                                                                               if they use oral sedation in practice.  If the  answer   LEARNING OUTCOMES
                                                                I have used Nitrous Oxide in my practice for over 30           is yes, then  I ask where  did they obtain their    • Learn the legal requirements to use RA
                                                                years and it is one of the most valuable tools in my           formal training from .  I often get a blank look from   • Why should you use RA instead of other oral sedation
                                                                armamentarium.  I say this as a dentist who holds a            candidates, as this would be one of the first questions   • How to use RA correctly
                                                                Dental Board of Australia endorsement in conscious             posed to them if they had a problem with a patient.   • Sedation within the dental practice
                                                                sedation, which allows me on any day of the week to                                                                • Current fees and charges for RA procedures
                                                                administer intravenous sedation using midazolam and            Nitrous Oxide sedation is specifically excluded from
                                                                fentanyl.  I  employ registered  nurses  in  my  practice      the Dental Board’s requirement that a Dentist must   TOPICS
                                                                and have my own General Anaesthetic facility. So, I            have a qualification (Diploma in Conscious Sedation)    • Practical application of the use of relative  analgesia on patients
                                                                can and do provide many levels of service to patients,         if they administer sedation by any route.   Any dentist   • Usage of relative analgesia armamentarium
                                                                                                                                                                                   • Appropriate maintenance and sterilisation of equipment
                                                                but still Nitrous Oxide is an extremely valuable tool.         can administer nitrous oxide [with training] to patients.  • Indications and contra-indications of relative analgesia
                                                                                                                               This article was written to bring to light the benefits
                                                                The  reasons that Nitrous  Oxide / Oxygen sedation
                                                                is so  valuable is that  it  can  be  used  any  time  at  a
                                                                moment’s notice. The patient does not need to fast                                                                         INTERESTED?
                                                                (as with intravenous sedation) and there is no need
                                                                for an escort, because nitrous oxide does not really
                                                                chemically interact with the body, like Midazolam or                                                                 CONTACT US AT 1300 305 267.
                                                                Valium. Once you turn the delivery of nitrous oxide off                                                              WE ARE DISTRIBUTING NATIONALLY.
                                                                at the mixer, the RA machine can give 100% oxygen
                                                                and the effects are completely reversed quickly and

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