Page 15 - v3 Yearbook
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Why do we become apathetic and hesitate to give back to our alma mater?   So, how do we as stakeholders help to maintain and restore the School’s
        Why do we a look on unconcerned when the very standards and values   standards and values? How do we rethink our collaboration with the
        that attracted us to the School in the first place are being destroyed? Why   School so that we act not as leeches but as standard-bearers for our School?
        do we throttle the goose that lays the golden egg?
                                                                                  /Standard-bearer/ Noun:
        Are we ignorant of the effect of our actions and inactions? Or has mediocrity        1. The bearer of a standard or distinctive flag for a unit or
                                                                                  group, usually military; A leading figure or representative for a cause or movement
        so overwhelmed us in that insidious manner in which standards and         or group. Source: Encarta dictionary  (Microsoft)
        values get lowered over time? No, it is not one big decision that lowers the
        standards, but rather little, subtle, seemingly harmless decisions made over        2. A champion of all things Wesley Girls ensuring that the dignity, values and standards
                                                                                  of the School are maintained at all times.
                                                                           Whatever the nature of our relationship or collaboration with the School
        And then one day you open your eyes (after 180 years of existence) and   might be, in the end it must lead to the maintenance and or restoration of
        realize you are so overcrowded you have been forced to not just move to   the standards that have made our School so great and attractive.
        bunk beds, but also destroyed pantries to make way for dining space; and
        you have an assembly hall sitting uncompleted for ten years by the same   We should all be standard-bearers for Wesley Girls’ High School, Cape
        people who now demand to be entrusted to build our fence wall; and your   Coast. Frankly, anything short of this is unacceptable.
        hand is being twisted to consider triple bunk beds... And you realize then
        that relationships that should be give-and-take have become a give, give,   So if this article has excited you, tickled you, provoked you, put you in a
        give till you collapse situation, or in the case of our School – take, take, take   pensive mood, or even just irritated the hell out of you, enough to think
        and be overcrowded and overburdened!                               differently about your collaboration with our School, then our objective
                                                                           has been duly achieved.
        But the beauty of age is that it often comes with maturity, and being pushed
        to the wall eventually brings clarity and courage. And with maturity comes              Floreat Wey Gey Hey!!
        moments of reflection and introspection that leads to the conclusion that
        some relationships and partnerships and so called alliances have become   WGHS Class of 1996
        rather...toxic, and detrimental to our well-being; to our standard of living   Proud Standard-Bearers
        and standards as a whole; to our traditions and our way of life (la cosa
        nostra!). That perhaps, it is time for all stakeholders to ask not what Wesley
        Girls’ High School can do for us, but what we can do for Wey Gey Hey!

                      WEYGEYHEY 96                                      15                                       20TH ANNIVERSARY YEARBOOK
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