Page 17 - v3 Yearbook
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Wesley Girls’ High School, Cape Coast has a long standing tradition Group, has served both students and staff of the School well in their
of Old Girls (be they fossils, ancient, modern, contemporary or academic pursuits. It also served as a haven for students (especially
millennials J!) supporting their beloved alma mater by undertaking Form One girls dodging seniors!) hungry for knowledge and looking
much needed infrastructure projects to mark the various milestones for some respite. And indeed, one could easily get lost in a world
(20th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th anniversaries) of the respective year of adventure just leafing through the numerous tomes available!
groups. From Encyclopaedia Britannica to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales,
Twenty (20) years after leaving school, each year group has the Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, Ama Ata Aidoo’s Dilemma of A Ghost,
delightful duty of organizing and hosting the speech and prize giving Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s Weep Not Child, Mariama Bâ’s So Long a Letter,
day. A project for the School is also undertaken by that year group to Aminata Sow Fall’s The Beggar’s Strike and Ola Rotimi’s Kurunmi to
mark the occasion. mention a few. And let’s not forget textbooks like Nelkon & Parker,
Abbot, Modern Biology, Backhouse, GAST etc.
It is now the turn of the Class of 1996 to host the 2017 Speech &
Prize Giving Day as part of our 20th anniversary since graduating Our plan, in addition to refurbishing the 2-storey library building
from the School. We will be supported by our big sisters (modern) of which houses the Lending section on the ground floor and the
the 1986 Year Group, our mothers and aunties (ancients and fossils) Reference section on top, was to create an Electronic section with a
of the 1976, 1966 and 1956 Year Groups, and our younger sisters library management software and access to online journals, e-books
(millennials) of the 2006 Year Group. and other educational resources.
To commemorate the grand occasion, which also marks the School’s By God’s grace, we have been able to carry out our vision with the
180th Anniversary, we set out to refurbish and electronically upgrade generous assistance of our sponsors;
the Finch Library, which was named after Ms. Finch (Rtd 1960), a Office of the President, Republic of Ghana
Geography teacher and Assistant Headmistress to Ms. Compton, in
honour of her selfless service and dedication to academic excellence. Prudential Bank Ltd (Platinum Sponsor)
The Finch Library, which was last upgraded in 2006 by the 1986 Year Mountcrest University College (Platinum Sponsor)