Page 14 - Ranger Manual 2017_Neat
P. 14

Trails and Facilities Service Area

              The Trails and Facilities Division is under the Trails and Facilities Division manager’s direction.
              The division focuses on the design, construction, and maintenance of the department’s physical
              assets and operations, including trail development, facilities construction, and property
              maintenance on OSMP trails and trailheads. This division includes Facilities, Trails and Visitor
              Access, and Engineering and Project Management work groups.

              Central Services Service Area

              The Central Services Division is under the Central Services Division manager’s supervision. The
              division’s primary goal is to serve and support other OSMP divisions and is responsible for the
              department’s daily internal operations. This division includes Real Estate, Resource Information,
              Administrative, and Financial Services work groups.

              Resources and Stewardship Service Area

              The Resources and Stewardship Division is under the Resources and Stewardship Division
              manager’s direction. The division is primarily responsible for resource management and
              stewardship. This division includes the Ecological Systems, Resources and Stewardship, and
              Monitoring work groups. As the OSMP land base grows, whether through direct acquisition or
              through conservation easements, the challenge of managing what is under its purview increases.

              Interface with Other Service Areas

              The Resources and Stewardship and Community Connections and Partnerships divisions conduct
              much of OSMP’s resource and visitor management. Although rangers work with all operating
              service areas within the department, they work most closely with the other work groups in these
              two service areas.

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