P. 35

6.  Since              Pronunciation Error. The  Reformulation. The
                                                 students mispronounced     teacher says the word
                                                 the word since. The said   and asks the student to
                                                 /SaInce/.                  repeat it.

                          7.  We are differing   Lexical Error: The         Clarification requests:
                                                 student chose a wrong      The teacher tells the
                                                 word.                      students that the
                                                                            message is
                          8.  Chunking and       Lexical error.-The         Reformulation: The
                             drills              student chose the wrong    teacher repeats the
                                                 form of the word. He got   wrong sentence and
                                                 confused in the use of     asks the student to
                                                 nouns.                     think and to
                                                                            reformulate the
                          9.  The unconscious    Lexical error. - The       Real operating
                             process they are    student combined the       conditions: the teacher
                             development         words in a wrong way.      say nothing, but writes
                                                 He used a noun instead     down the error.
                                                 of a verb
                          10. He or she could    Grammar error: - The       Self- correction: The
                             answer with use     student made a mistake     teacher asks the student
                             word                with the tense of the      to think about the
                                                 verb. The student was      possible errors in the
                                                 talking in present when    sentence.
                                                 suddenly she started to
                                                 mix past tense.
                          11. We are going to    Overgeneralizing. - The    The teacher ask student
                             consider a some     student overuse the use    about the use of
                             points              of undefined article       articles. Then, the
                                                                            teacher asks the student
                                                                            to correct and re-tell the
                          12. Prepositions of    Overgeneralizing. - The    The teacher provides
                             times               student overgeneralizes    information about
                                                 pluralization of nouns.    generalizarion of
                                                 The student said:          nouns. Then asks the
                                                 Preposition of times.      student to retell the

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