P. 56


                            Grammar  II,  has  helped  me  to  have  a  clear  explanation      of  the  use,
                     significance    and principles   of the grammatical structures of English in order to

                     apply  correctly      in  the  communicative context  with  a  high  level  of  efficiency
                     providing me with the theoretical background of the language teaching as well as

                     the extensive grammar teaching techniques which are useful to develop skills in
                     planning methodology, creation of materials and evaluation for all ages.

                            All it was possible by the used of some resources such as the book named
                     “How to teach grammar” by Scott Thornbury, power point presentations, group

                     works,  debates,  discussions,  role  plays,  workshops.  an  some  learning

                     methodologies like,  collaborative learning; problem-based learning; project-based
                     learning; evidence-based learning; case method; presentation method and others.

                             All  these  resources  helped  me  to  identify  the  ways  that  grammatical

                     knowledge  can  be  automated  through  practice,  compare the  types  and  cases  of
                     errors, attitude to corrections, and teachers´ strategies, examine the elements of PPP

                     and TTT when teaching grammar, apply formal and informal testing when teaching

                     grammar and evaluate classroom procedures that make grammar communicative.

                            For all these aspects I think that  Grammar II,  will always be important
                     subject to improve the pedagogical skills of teaching English language of people in

                     a developing country like ours, which every day is growing rapidly and efficiently.

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