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         The River Valley Slackwater Harbor  engineers, and we’re likely to use Arkansas  as well as Fort Smith. Freight customers
      project was a joint application with the  steel. The investment of over $18 million  are predominantly located in those
      Western Arkansas Intermodal Authority  will have a positive impact, for sure.”  two  geographic  areas.  In  addition,  Five
      (WAIA)  and  Van  Buren-based  Five  Rivers   The next step will be to start getting  Rivers Distribution offers all modes of
      Distribution. As the lead applicant, WAIA is  contractors and construction managers  transportation and owns a trucking
      responsible for the financial administration  for the project, as well as perform due  company.
      and grant oversight for the project. Five  diligence and complete the needed   The  U.S.  Army  Corps  of  Engineers  is
      Rivers, as the project recipient, will serve  environmental studies. Shell says he  in  the process  of completing a  12-foot
      as the project manager. It will direct the  believes it will take all of 2024 to handle  minimum depth channel near the outlet of
      scope, schedule, and budget, including the  the necessary advance studies and  the Arkansas River at the Mississippi River,
      preconstruction, construction, technical,  requirements but anticipates construction  known as the Three Rivers Project. A 43%
      and engineering efforts.              could begin at the end of 2024 or in early  increase in barge capacity is projected
         Marty Shell, President of Five Rivers  2025. He said it will take about a year to  to be experienced after the completion
      Distribution,  gave  credit  to  Sasha  complete the construction.          of the project. Barge shipping provides
      Grist, Western Arkansas Planning and     With Interstate 40 running east to west  76% more ton-miles/gallon of fuel than
      Development District (WAPDD) Executive  and Interstate 49 running north to south,  shipping by truck, and 1,000% decreased
      Director, Ashley Garris, WAPDD assistant  the project will make the Fort Smith/Van  CO2 emissions in comparison.
      Executive Director/Director of Economic  Buren region a major player in shipping.   “The reason for all of this is to make
      Development, and Reese Brewer, WAPDD  The site is served by the Union Pacific and  things here the very best they can be for
      MPO Director, for securing the grant. “This  Arkansas & Missouri Railroad lines, which  the next generation,” Shell said. “With
      has been a vision and project for over 20  connect  to  the  Canadian  Pacific/Kansas  I-49 through here, we are changing things
      years or so. They were able to get the  City Southern (KCS) for distribution north  for the better here. This will add another
      funding and make this happen,” Shell said.  and south.                      piece of that puzzle that will improve this
         The slackwater harbor project will be   Freight operations are based out of  area for the next generation and give them
      located  on a  man-made channel off  the  the headquarters location in Springdale,  reason to stay here.”
      Arkansas River at Five Rivers Terminal in
      Crawford County, near Van Buren. It will be
      a major economic tool for the region that                                  WE HAVE THE BEST
      will allow for combined shipping through   SHAM                               SELECTION AND
      rail, highway, air and river transportation,
      Shell said.                                                                   LOWEST PRICES
         “This will allow the Fort Smith Chamber   ROCK
      of Commerce and the Van Buren Chamber                                    5609 Midland Blvd.,
      of Commerce and the cities to really sell
      this region as a shipping hub,” Shell said.  WINE & LIQUOR                       Fort Smith
         The  entire  slackwater  harbor  project
      is expected to cost $18.87 million with     WAREHOUSE                       (479) 783-2076
      matching  funds.  WAIA  is  responsible  to
      contribute the remaining $3.774 million,
      with most of that coming from capital
      investment by Five Rivers Distribution.
      “We’re going to have a lot of skin in the
      game, but this federal money shortens
      the timeline for us to get the project
      completed,” Shell added.
         Little Rock built a similar slackwater
      harbor in the 1980s, though it did not
      really “take off” until the late 1990s and
      early 2000s, noted Shell.
         “It’ll take this one some time to grow
      shipping business, but there will be
      immediate financial benefit for the region,”
      Shell said. “The construction of the facility
      itself will have local  contractors and

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