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                         Slackwater Harbor Project

       Receives Federal Funding Commitment

                                                                Photo and graphic courtesy Western Arkansas Intermodal Authority.

         A major infrastructure project River Valley  officials  and  enterprises.  It  will  provide  loading and unloading processes.
      officials have pursued for decades will soon  about 80% of the funding needed to build   The grant will also fund design services
      come to fruition. The River Valley Slackwater  a slackwater harbor off the main channel  and project management. The new harbor
      Harbor project has been awarded a $15.096  of the Arkansas River. The harbor will span  will enhance reliability of the port because
      million grant from the U.S. Department of  approximately 1,000 feet in length and 200  it  will  be  less  susceptible  to  operational
      Transportation Maritime Administration  feet in width. The structure will have the  disruptions and damage resulting from
      (MARAD) to construct a harbor on the  capacity  to  moor  and  offload  up  to  eight  fluctuations in the flow rate of the river.
      Crawford County side of the Arkansas River.  barges at a time, with roughly 2,000 feet of   According to MARAD, the harbor
         The grant was announced by MARAD in  dock frontage and a 50-foot-wide concrete  will  significantly  increase  barge  handling
      November 2023 to the delight of regional  deck to support mobile cranes for the  capacity of the port and will improve
                                                                                  resilience because the concrete deck will be
                                                                                  constructed above the 100-year flood level
                                                                                  to ensure year-round operation even in the
                                                                                  face of flooding events.
                                                                                     The November announcement listed
                                                                                  more than $653 million in funding for
                                                                                  41 port improvement projects across
                                                                                  the  nation  under  the Port Infrastructure
                                                                                  Development Program. The funding will
                                                                                  help grow capacity and increase efficiency
                                                                                  at coastal seaports, Great Lakes ports, and
                                                                                  inland river ports. The slackwater harbor in
                                                                                  Van Buren was the only Arkansas project
                                                                                  among the 41.
                                                                                                   Continued on page 10
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