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Real analysis-I


               The rational and irrational numbers together constitute real numbers.

                Set notation:

               Let  S  denote a set. The notation means the object is in the set  S  is not in  S .

               A set  S  is said to be a subset of T , we write if every object in S also in T . A set is called non empty
               if it contains atleast one object. A non empty set  R  of objects real numbers which satisfy the below
               ten axioms.

               Field Axioms:

               The set R of real numbers we assume the existence of 2 operations called addition and mulitiplication
               for every pair of real numbers x & y we have x+y & xy

               Axiom 1:  x   y   y   x, xy   yx   (commutative law)

                                   x 
               Axiom 2:  x  y   z     y    xy   yx    (associative law)
                                            z,
                                 xy
               Axiom 3:  y   z       xz  (distributive law)
               Axiom 4: Given any 2 real numbers  x  &  y  there exists a real number  z  such that
                x   y   y   z   y   x &  x  x is denoted by 0.

               Axiom 5:There exists at least one real number   there exists a real number  z such that
                xz   y   z   y  x /
               The number  x /  is denoted by 1 is independent of  x
               The order axioms:

               Assume the existence of less than which establishes an ordering among the real numbers.
               Axiom 6:Exactly one of the relations  x   y   x   y &  x   y  holds.

               Axiom 7: If  x   y then for every  z  we have  x   z   y   z

               Axiom 8: If  x  0  & y    0  then  xy    0

               Axiom 9: If  x   y &  y   z  then  x 
               Axiom 10: Completeness axiom:

               Every nonempty set  S of real numbers which is bounded above has supremum.

               Ie., there is real number b such that b   sup  S
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