Page 4 - Real Analysis I-e content (1)_Neat
P. 4
Upper bounds, maximum element, Least upper bound
Let S be a set of real numbers. If there is a real number b such that x b x in S , then b is called
an upper bound for S and we say that S is bounded above by b .
If an upper bound b is also a member of S , the b is called the largest member (or) the
maximum element of S
b max S
Similarly for lower bound, bounded below we have b m in S
Let S be a set of real numbers bounded above.
A real number b is called a least upper bound for S if it has the following two properties.
(i) b is an upper bound for S .
(ii) No number less than b is an upper bound for S .
1 , 0 , max element is 1 is least upper bound.
S 1 , 0 1 is least upper bound for S , but S has no maximum element.
The least upper bound is denoted by
b sup S
If S has maximum element then
max S sup S
The greatest lower bound is denoted by
b inf S
If S has minimum element then
min S inf S