Page 2 - Microsoft PowerPoint - LG Flip Brochure Prospectus.pptx
P. 2
Purpose of this booklet The staff at Lockhart Group all
have one thing in common:
they understand the
It’s a fair question to ask why dynamics, complexity, friction
the Lockhart Group have sent this and consequences of military
booklet for your information. conflict. They have acquired
Many universities now offer high this knowledge both as war
value courses in strategy, studies academics and as
leadership, conflict resolution senior military practitioners
and military studies. Most of with command and staff
these courses offer some form of officer responsibilities in a
module in which a staff ride, or number of operational
terrain walk is undertaken to environments.
fully expose and understand the
theoretical lessons from the
classroom. A staff ride is a truly
revealing experience. The
opportunity to synthesize the
conflict environment with subject
matter expertise produces a
whole new level of