Page 12 - Online Class XI SMKN 1 BBD_ebook2
P. 12


               Dialog 2

               Angga is very busy doing his homework. Sheila, his friend, asks him to come

               to her party.

               Sheila         : Heloo, this is Sheila. May I speak to Angga?

                Angga         : This is Angga speaking.

               Sheila         : Oh, hi Angga. I wonder if you’d like to come to my house right

                                    now. We’re having a great party.

               Angga          : I don’t think I can. I’m doing my homework. My parents

                                    won’t let me out before I finish my homework

               Sheila         : That’s alright.

               Angga          : I hope you enjoy your party. Bye.

                Sheila        : Bye. Bye

                 ENGLISH CLASS                                                             MERSI SILALAHI
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