Page 8 - Online Class XI SMKN 1 BBD_ebook2
P. 8


               Please watch this video to understand more!


               Caller         : Hello
               Secretary      : Hello

               Caller         : May I speak to Mr. Tomson please?
               Secretary      : Mr. Tomson is not available, at the moment.
               Caller         : May I please leave a message?
               Secretary      : Of course.

               Caller         : Please ask Mr. Tomson to call Mr. Kelleher to call at 718-555-1111.
                                       Anytime today or tomorrow.
               Secretary      : OK, I will let him know.

               Caller         : Thank You, What is your name?
               Secretary      : My name is Karen.
               Caller         : Thank you have a good day.

               Secretary      : Thank you,

                 ENGLISH CLASS                                                             MERSI SILALAHI
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