Page 8 - Art Attack Gr 9 LB SKU1007
P. 8
x There will be NO sleeping, eating, chewing, swinging on chairs or desks, throwing of
equipment, walking around unnecessarily, scraping of desks, going on errands or to the
toilet/lockers, walking on anything but the floor, drawing on the desk... appropriate
behaviour will be expected at all times during the Design class.
x Equipment will be looked after, returned if borrowed, and the classroom will be left in a
better state than you found it. All litter is to be picked up, surfaces wiped/swept before the
class leaves the Design classroom or another venue you are working in.
x Everyone is to be properly dressed, neat and tidy. Good manners are expected at all times
as well as politeness, respect, and consideration shown towards all in the Design class. No
calling the teacher continuously – each student will get individual attention.
x Nothing but the Design that we are busy with may be on the desk. All else must be put
away, or it will be confiscated.
x If you are caught breaking the rules and get punished, it is expected that you take your
punishment maturely and responsively without arguing and complaining about it – or it
might double.
x A high standard of work is expected at all times, and deadlines should be strictly adhered
to. Failure to hand in work on the deadline day, cheating, or copying will result in a
zero being given for that project/test as well as detention and a letter sent home explaining
the situation. Work will be handed in alphabetically and marked off the class list.
x If a student is absent on the day of a deadline, a doctor's certificate is required for their
work to be marked. The assignment and doctor's note must be brought to the Design
teacher on the day of arriving back at school – not the next Design lesson. The Design
teacher will not accept any notes or letters from students or parents other than an official
Doctor's certificate. If the student is absent for any other reason the student must arrange to
hand in the work earlier, or to drop it off at school on the day.
x All homework assignments and tasks must be completed. These will be assessed and
the marks received will go towards your Continuous Assessment mark (CASS) for each
term. Failing to complete homework tasks will have a negative effect on your term mark.
x All equipment required for the lesson and/or your Design workbook/file is to be brought
to the lesson. Failing this, the student writes an essay on a design topic to be completed
within the lesson or during detention (one and a half pages/single lesson). The Design
department is not a stationery shop – each student is expected to have their equipment.
x A smock is to be worn at all times during a practical lesson – do not forget to bring it and
wear it.
x All work done by anyone but you is to be left alone, looked after and respected – do not
touch it or move it without permission from the teacher!
x All instructions will only be given once, and further explained/demonstrated once – please
make sure you are paying careful attention and listening during these times.
x No student is allowed in the storeroom without specific permission. The area behind the
teacher's desk is out of bounds for all students.
x Strict procedure is to be followed when arriving at class as well as when leaving the class.
x There is no such phrase as "I can't" in the Arts class – only "I don't know how to – yet!"
x Paint, ink or any other medium you are using does not go anywhere but on your artwork,
equipment, smock and hands. Students will be severely dealt with if caught messing up
areas, other students or being careless with their media.
x There will be no talking during practical lessons unless otherwise stipulated. Students
must concentrate, focus and apply their energies and talents on their art production. No MP3
players, cellular phones or CD players are allowed.
Artifact Publications and Training 2015 2