Page 13 - Art Attack Gr 9 LB SKU1007
P. 13
In your own words, explain what this means: .....................................................................................
Good design solves problems while bad design creates problems. With reference to the two
images of chair designs explain what this means. Motivate which design would create problems
and which one of these would solve problems. Identify these problems.
Explain what “form follows function” means. Give an example: ....................................................
A good design is made up of the principles of design, working together to produce a strong and
successful visual experience. At times, a good design cannot be fully explained... “it just works”.
Within nature, we see many examples of brilliant designed forms. Look around you and write down
some of the things that surround you that are products of good design:
The principles of design use the art elements, which you learnt about last year. Can you
remember what they are?....................................................................................................................
As you learnt last year, the principles of design are achieved through the careful choice and
arrangement of these art elements. The principles of design are as follows: Scale, proportion,
variety, repetition, rhythm, balance, directional forces, emphasis and subordination,
focalisation, contrast, simplicity, harmony and unity.
This term you are going to be creating an illustration using the art elements and design principles
in your work. Let’s start off by analysing illustrations to see how the design principles use the art
elements to create meaning, communicate feelings or emotion, as well as create the subject
matter of an advert, billboard or the brand of a product.
Artifact Publications and Training 2015 7