Page 18 - Art Attack Gr 9 LB SKU1007
P. 18

Some of the common painting media:
         Watercolour painting started in England during the 18  century. South Africa has a number of good
         watercolourists who have a high technical skill in handling this rather difficult medium. These include
         Wallace Hulley, Richard Cheales, Julia Paton and Walter Battis. The term “watercolour” means that the
         paint is water-based. This means that you would use water to thin the paint, and water to clean your
         brushes and equipment. The paint is applied with soft brushes. A broad sweep across an area with
         very watery paint is called a wash. Watercolour paint is quick drying. Most times one paints onto paper
         or board. A water-colourist must work sitting down with the paper or board flat; if the paper were vertical
         the paint would run down. Watercolour paint is translucent (see through) and most mistakes cannot be
                                                                               THEY HAVING A BAD
                                                                                      HAIR DAY!
                           1.  Put colour on with a large brush.
                           2.  Brush across the page
                           3.  Remember to have the drawing board at an angle.

         Poster paint has a number of distinct characteristics, which make
         it very different from watercolours. Poster paint comes ready
         mixed or in powder form. This paint can be mixed with
         water to thin it down therefore it is water-based.
         Poster paint is opaque, which means that you
         cannot see through it. Mistakes can therefore be
         easily corrected by letting the paint dry and then
         painting over it again. The more water that is
         mixed into the paint, the more translucent it
         becomes and therefore it can be used for a wash.
         Thick poster paint can be applied with a palette
         knife or brush very much like oil paint. Poster paint
         can be applied to a variety of papers and boards.
         Some varieties become water resistant when dry.

         OIL PAINT
         Oil paint is still a common media used for painting yet not for illustrations. If you have tried oil paint and
         watercolours, you will know that they are very different media with which to work. Oil paint is thick and
         does not run on an upright surface. Oil painting is therefore done while standing or sitting at an easel.
         This also helps in the evaluation process where the artist will stand back, viewing their work from a
         slight distance to see if the painting is turning out the way he/she wants it to. Oil paint is oil based,
         which means that it can be made thinner by adding linseed oil or mineral turpentine. In extreme cases,
         it can be made to run. Oil paint dries slowly and therefore can take weeks, even months for a painting
         to  dry  completely-  that  is  one  of  the  reasons  that  its  not  the  preferred  medium  for  illustrations.

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